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  • Esstab to relabel vairables

    Hi, this is a small insight into my regression output using esstab:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	table.png
Views:	1
Size:	9.3 KB
ID:	1659098

    I would like to change the current variable names, for example:
    UK_dummy=1 to UK
    Wave=2 to Second Period
    UK_dummy =1 # Wave=2 to UK x Second Period

    I tried running the line of code:
    esttab, label nonumber title("Regression Output") coeflabel(UK_dummy=1 "UK")

    but it came with an error message, saying:
    =exp not allowed.

    How would I go about changing the labels in a different way? Thank you

  • #2
    estout is from SSC, as you are asked to explain (FAQ Advice #12). These are variable labels, you want to reference variable names. So, remove the -label- option to see how the variables are named. Then refer to the variable name within -coeflabel-.

