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  • Coding Semantic Coherence to evaluate LDA topic models

    Dear STATALISTs,

    to evaluate LDA topic models; I intend to code their semantic coherence. (formula on page 265 here: Optimizing Semantic Coherence in Topic Models (; and/or image at the bottom)

    First, I need to compute a co-occurrence matrix. In a long string (text_strings_I; roughly 40.000 obs), I need to compute the (1) occurrence of each word, and (2) the co-occurence with each other word within a given topic.

    Below you find the structure of my data: i.e. the top 10 words for a number of topics (here 10, eventually increasing by 10 up till 50).

    Unfortunately, nooccur doesn't do the trick, because I can only insert an explicit string into the bracket, at least to my knowledge.

    forvalues i=1/10 {
    egen occ_top`i' = noccur(text_strings_I), string(topic`i'[`i'[])

    How can I compute the co-occurance matrix for each topic? How can I save them using tempfiles to aggregate them to the semantic coherence score for each topic (formula in the picture below)?

    Many thanks in advance for your thoughts and considerations, greatly appreciated.

    Sven Uwe

    topic1 topic2 topic3 topic4 topic5 topic6 topic7 topic8 topic9 topic10 text_strings_I
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