These are the average treatment effects computed from different causal inference approaches, namely (in order) Synthetic Controls, Synthetic Difference in Differences, SCUL/Synthetic Controls Using LASSO (my estimator), Generalized SCM, Matrix Completion, and Principal Components Regression (also my command).
I'm interested in making another row in this matrix which represents the difference of each of these approaches from the benchmark, or Synthetic Controls. Practically, this would involve subtracting -0.690 from each coefficient we see here.
How might I automate this in ado or Mata, beyond just doing -0.690--0.690, -0.770--0.690....
I ask, because what if I had 12 approaches? What if I had 20? I know there's an easy way to do this, I just don't work with matrices very often.
mat ATTs = (-0.690, -0.770, -0.673, -0.498, -0.533, -0.773)
How might I automate this in ado or Mata, beyond just doing -0.690--0.690, -0.770--0.690....
I ask, because what if I had 12 approaches? What if I had 20? I know there's an easy way to do this, I just don't work with matrices very often.