I would like to format the background colour on a xtline graph according to the values on the y-axis.
I have a dataset with 50 persons' BMI at two timepoints: baseline (1) and after intervention (2). I want a graph where each of these 50 BMIs are shown from time 1 to time 2, which I have done using xtline. However, my problem is to change the colour of the background according to the BMI, such that a y-value >=40 has a dark gray background, a y-value 35-39.9 has a semi-dark gray background, etc. I can do this via the scatteri recast(area) function, however, I can't manage to combine the scatteri recast(area)-graph with the xtline graph - I thought I could do this using the overlay command, but I get an error: "xtline is not a twoway plot type", so I'm looking for another way to do this.
Below is my code. The scatteri recast(area)-graph works perfectly (on its own), as does the xtline, so the problem is to combine them.
Thank you for your time.
- Sara
I have a dataset with 50 persons' BMI at two timepoints: baseline (1) and after intervention (2). I want a graph where each of these 50 BMIs are shown from time 1 to time 2, which I have done using xtline. However, my problem is to change the colour of the background according to the BMI, such that a y-value >=40 has a dark gray background, a y-value 35-39.9 has a semi-dark gray background, etc. I can do this via the scatteri recast(area) function, however, I can't manage to combine the scatteri recast(area)-graph with the xtline graph - I thought I could do this using the overlay command, but I get an error: "xtline is not a twoway plot type", so I'm looking for another way to do this.
Below is my code. The scatteri recast(area)-graph works perfectly (on its own), as does the xtline, so the problem is to combine them.
xtset id time xtline egfr, overlay xlabel (1 2) ylabel (14 45) legend(off)
twoway scatteri 35 1 45 1 45 2 35 2, recast(area) color(gs16%50) || scatteri 30 1 35 1 35 2 30 2, recast(area) color(gs14%50) || scatteri 25 1 29 1 29 2 25 2, recast(area) color(gs12%50) || scatteri 24 1 18.5 1 18.5 2 24 2, recast(area) color(gs10%50) || scatteri 16 1 18.4 1 18.4 2 16 2, recast(area) color(gs8%50) || scatteri 15 1 16 1 16 2 15 2, recast(area) color(gs6%50) xlabel(1 "Pre" 2 "Post") legend(order(1 "Severly obese" 2 "Obese" 3 "Overweight" 4 "Normalweight" 5 "Underweight" 6 "Severe underweight") pos(11)) ytitle(BMI) xtitle("Time")
Thank you for your time.
- Sara