I like to generate a doc-ouput of my regression. Unfortunately my asdoc command gets only an error
asdoc xtreg f. emission_intensity sum_environmental_metric firm_size profitability leverage sales_growth rnd_expenditure board_size board_independence board_outsider i.year, fe vce(robust), save(xx.doc)
The error that comes up: <istmt>: 3499 func_detailed_reg() not found
Somebody knows why? Used it before and worked perfectly.
Thanks a lot!
I like to generate a doc-ouput of my regression. Unfortunately my asdoc command gets only an error
asdoc xtreg f. emission_intensity sum_environmental_metric firm_size profitability leverage sales_growth rnd_expenditure board_size board_independence board_outsider i.year, fe vce(robust), save(xx.doc)
The error that comes up: <istmt>: 3499 func_detailed_reg() not found
Somebody knows why? Used it before and worked perfectly.
Thanks a lot!