hello and good day,
I try to extract the table of my estimation from xtscc estimation but "R-squared" did not report.
I am so thankful to receive your advice.
this is my code"
e ambiguous abbreviation
end of do-file
many thanks in advance for your valuable time and advice.
I try to extract the table of my estimation from xtscc estimation but "R-squared" did not report.
I am so thankful to receive your advice.
this is my code"
foreach v in "ltotalfertility" {
cd "E:\paper-thesis\MyProject - Copy/`v'"
use "E:\paper_thesis_dofile-dta\240302022-final_dofile_totla\final_27032022.dta"
xi: xtscc d0`v' l(0/2).d_pp2 l(1/1).d0`v' i.year,fe
outreg2 using `v'.xls, replace label keep(l(0/2).d_pp2 l(1/1).d0`v' e(r2_w))
foreach vart in "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" {
xi: xtscc d`vart'`v' l(0/2).d_pp2 l(1/1).d0`v' i.year,fe
outreg2 using `v'.xls, append label keep(l(0/2).d_pp2 l(1/1).d0`v' e(r2_w))
cd "E:\paper-thesis\MyProject - Copy/`v'"
use "E:\paper_thesis_dofile-dta\240302022-final_dofile_totla\final_27032022.dta"
xi: xtscc d0`v' l(0/2).d_pp2 l(1/1).d0`v' i.year,fe
outreg2 using `v'.xls, replace label keep(l(0/2).d_pp2 l(1/1).d0`v' e(r2_w))
foreach vart in "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" {
xi: xtscc d`vart'`v' l(0/2).d_pp2 l(1/1).d0`v' i.year,fe
outreg2 using `v'.xls, append label keep(l(0/2).d_pp2 l(1/1).d0`v' e(r2_w))
end of do-file
many thanks in advance for your valuable time and advice.