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  • Using rifhdreg to estimate Quantile TE

    Hi all,
    I am studying the effect of a policy on students' scores. Since results are heterogeneous, I thought I could try to estimate unconditional QTE , using a DiD framework. The data is repeated cross-section (N=10 M) and treatment (eligible) is not binary, with 4 treatment groups and never treated=0. In "before" (policy=0) no one is treated, in "after" the 4 treatment groups are treated at the same time. I am also using covariates with and without fixed effects. I wonder if rifhdreg would be appropriate, given the size of the dataset and considering a non-binary treatment. Most methods require a binary variable. A good thing about rifhdreg is that it calculates the IPW which I couldn't do with a categorical variable.

    The OLS FE results are quite different (see below)

    reghdfe scores i.eligible##i.policy i.maeduc sex age c.age##c.age i.location ymid federal i.popsize munic_gdp, abs(state_school) vce(robust)
    (MWFE estimator converged in 1 iterations)
    note: age omitted because of collinearity

    HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 10,492,959
    Absorbing 1 HDFE group F( 23,10492909)= 210336.66
    Prob > F = 0.0000
    R-squared = 0.3706
    Adj R-squared = 0.3706
    Within R-sq. = 0.3432
    Root MSE = 0.7934

    | Robust
    scores | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
    eligible |
    group 1 | -.4104479 .0036849 -111.39 0.000 -.4176701 -.4032256
    group 2 | -.5835029 .0016248 -359.13 0.000 -.5866874 -.5803185
    group 3 | -.5346714 .0053164 -100.57 0.000 -.5450914 -.5242514
    group 4 | -.7244366 .0015726 -460.67 0.000 -.7275188 -.7213545
    1.policy | .0328963 .0013969 23.55 0.000 .0301585 .0356342
    eligible#policy |
    group 1#1 | -.0073701 .0045681 -1.61 0.107 -.0163234 .0015833
    group 2#1 | -.0523011 .0017602 -29.71 0.000 -.0557511 -.0488512
    group 3#1 | -.0177454 .0064512 -2.75 0.006 -.0303895 -.0051014
    group 4#1 | -.0310596 .0016786 -18.50 0.000 -.0343496 -.0277696
    maeduc |
    Primary | .0600287 .0015395 38.99 0.000 .0570114 .063046
    Middle school | .102138 .0015253 66.96 0.000 .0991485 .1051274
    High school | .2354342 .0015262 154.26 0.000 .2324429 .2384254
    University | .4406134 .0017124 257.31 0.000 .4372572 .4439696
    Postgrad | .5003833 .0018582 269.29 0.000 .4967413 .5040252
    sex | -.0815129 .0005098 -159.88 0.000 -.0825122 -.0805137
    age | -.6658851 .0014303 -465.55 0.000 -.6686885 -.6630817
    age | 0 (omitted)
    c.age#c.age | .0138486 .0000339 408.30 0.000 .0137822 .0139151
    location |
    rural | -.1727199 .0014851 -116.31 0.000 -.1756306 -.1698092
    ymid | .0177454 .0000427 415.28 0.000 .0176616 .0178291
    federal | 1.133364 .0017353 653.14 0.000 1.129963 1.136765
    popsize |
    medium | .1244144 .0006323 196.77 0.000 .1231751 .1256536
    large | .2168877 .0007244 299.40 0.000 .2154678 .2183075
    munic_gdp | -2.25e-10 3.45e-12 -65.33 0.000 -2.32e-10 -2.18e-10
    _cons | 7.663446 .014959 512.30 0.000 7.634127 7.692765

    Absorbed degrees of freedom:
    Absorbed FE | Categories - Redundant = Num. Coefs |
    state_school | 27 0 27 |

    I guess this is probably because of the propensity scores.

    Now when I try rifhdreg effects are positive.

    rifhdreg scores i.eligible##i.policy, rif(q(50)) over(policy) abs(state_school) rwlogit(i.maeduc sex age c.age##c.age i.location ymid federal i.popsize munic_gdp) att trim(0.01,0.98)

    HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 10,492,959
    Absorbing 1 HDFE group F( 9,10492923)= 184767.80
    Prob > F = 0.0000
    R-squared = 0.1535
    Adj R-squared = 0.1535
    Within R-sq. = 0.1259
    Root MSE = 1.1772

    | Robust
    scores | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
    eligible |
    group 1 | -.3530913 .0052722 -66.97 0.000 -.3634247 -.3427579
    group 2 | -.9244422 .0022359 -413.46 0.000 -.9288244 -.9200599
    group 3 | -.4669798 .0080754 -57.83 0.000 -.4828072 -.4511523
    group 4 | -1.150093 .002121 -542.24 0.000 -1.15425 -1.145936
    1.policy | -.1039593 .0016711 -62.21 0.000 -.1072346 -.1006841
    eligible#policy |
    group 1#1 | .1458918 .0062365 23.39 0.000 .1336685 .1581151
    group 2#1 | .0613481 .0024609 24.93 0.000 .0565247 .0661714
    group 3#1 | .1575793 .0094327 16.71 0.000 .1390915 .176067
    group 4#1 | .0880934 .0022803 38.63 0.000 .0836241 .0925627
    _cons | .7040373 .0015276 460.87 0.000 .7010432 .7070314

    Absorbed degrees of freedom:
    Absorbed FE | Categories - Redundant = Num. Coefs |
    state_school | 27 0 27 |
    Distributional Statistic: q(50)
    Sample Mean RIF q(50) : -.08672

    I then use the qregplot command for each group
    qregplot 2.eligible#1.policy , q(5(5)95) ols raopt( color(black%5))

    The graphs look cool (I couldn't paste here) but I am not sure whether I am doing the right thing and how to compare the results with OLS. I also wanted to put the results for each model into one graph. Can anyone help?
    Thanks for the help!!

  • #2
    What I really want to know is whether I can trust these results or whether my code is wrong.


    • #3
      Hi Sandra
      Sorry for the delay answering.
      So, I think your code is fine with one caveat. You mention your treatment variable is not binary but has multiple levels. However, your variable policy seems to be binary. Im guessing that you were referring to multiple treatments because of eligibility?

      The way things are currently written (in your code), you are using an average treatment effect on the treated, with binary treatment asl well. The fact that you use reweighting means that you are trying that those not affected by the policy to look like those who were affected by it. So on that regard, can be considered as Quantile treatment effect.

      If you do include a multivalued treatment, you will have to use rwmlogit (or rwmprobit). The problem, however, is that there is no "ATT" equivalent, but only a ATE.

      Let me know if you have other questions either here or by email (look in the helpfile)
      Best wishes


      • #4
        Hi FernandoRios , thanks a lot for helping out and for your time. I realised the original code was wrong. In fact, I shouldn't have used policy in the over option, because policy is merely the time variable (before x after) and since I can't use a multilevel treatment (I want the att because it's a DiD design) I used a binary treatment variable ("treat") instead.

        Here is my code.

        rifhdreg scores treat##i.policy2, rif(q(50)) over(treat) abs(state_school) rwlogit(i.maeduc sex age c.age##c.age i.race i.location ymid federal i.popsize munic_gdp) att trim(0.01,0.98)

        HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 9,852,136
        Absorbing 1 HDFE group F( 3,9852106) = 41464.75
        Prob > F = 0.0000
        R-squared = 0.0778
        Adj R-squared = 0.0778
        Within R-sq. = 0.0572
        Root MSE = 1.1371

        | Robust
        scores | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
        1.treat | -.5810692 .0038284 -151.78 0.000 -.5885727 -.5735657
        1.policy | -.0502511 .0041038 -12.24 0.000 -.0582945 -.0422077
        treat#policy |
        1 1 | .0142762 .0042129 3.39 0.001 .006019 .0225335
        _cons | .2654408 .0037228 71.30 0.000 .2581442 .2727374

        Absorbed degrees of freedom:
        Absorbed FE | Categories - Redundant = Num. Coefs |
        state_school | 27 0 27 |
        Distributional Statistic: q(50)
        Sample Mean RIF q(50) : -.06905

        However, I realise that for QTE weighting should only be done only for the period before the treatment. Wonder if there's a way to solve that.

        I sent an email to [email protected] with other enquiries.
        thanks so much!


        • #5
          Answering your question. Yes treatment is based in four different eligibility criteria, but I realise I can't estimate the effects for each one separately using a weighting method.

