Hi all,
I am studying the effect of a policy on students' scores. Since results are heterogeneous, I thought I could try to estimate unconditional QTE , using a DiD framework. The data is repeated cross-section (N=10 M) and treatment (eligible) is not binary, with 4 treatment groups and never treated=0. In "before" (policy=0) no one is treated, in "after" the 4 treatment groups are treated at the same time. I am also using covariates with and without fixed effects. I wonder if rifhdreg would be appropriate, given the size of the dataset and considering a non-binary treatment. Most methods require a binary variable. A good thing about rifhdreg is that it calculates the IPW which I couldn't do with a categorical variable.
The OLS FE results are quite different (see below)
reghdfe scores i.eligible##i.policy i.maeduc sex age c.age##c.age i.location ymid federal i.popsize munic_gdp, abs(state_school) vce(robust)
(MWFE estimator converged in 1 iterations)
note: age omitted because of collinearity
HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 10,492,959
Absorbing 1 HDFE group F( 23,10492909)= 210336.66
Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.3706
Adj R-squared = 0.3706
Within R-sq. = 0.3432
Root MSE = 0.7934
| Robust
scores | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
eligible |
group 1 | -.4104479 .0036849 -111.39 0.000 -.4176701 -.4032256
group 2 | -.5835029 .0016248 -359.13 0.000 -.5866874 -.5803185
group 3 | -.5346714 .0053164 -100.57 0.000 -.5450914 -.5242514
group 4 | -.7244366 .0015726 -460.67 0.000 -.7275188 -.7213545
1.policy | .0328963 .0013969 23.55 0.000 .0301585 .0356342
eligible#policy |
group 1#1 | -.0073701 .0045681 -1.61 0.107 -.0163234 .0015833
group 2#1 | -.0523011 .0017602 -29.71 0.000 -.0557511 -.0488512
group 3#1 | -.0177454 .0064512 -2.75 0.006 -.0303895 -.0051014
group 4#1 | -.0310596 .0016786 -18.50 0.000 -.0343496 -.0277696
maeduc |
Primary | .0600287 .0015395 38.99 0.000 .0570114 .063046
Middle school | .102138 .0015253 66.96 0.000 .0991485 .1051274
High school | .2354342 .0015262 154.26 0.000 .2324429 .2384254
University | .4406134 .0017124 257.31 0.000 .4372572 .4439696
Postgrad | .5003833 .0018582 269.29 0.000 .4967413 .5040252
sex | -.0815129 .0005098 -159.88 0.000 -.0825122 -.0805137
age | -.6658851 .0014303 -465.55 0.000 -.6686885 -.6630817
age | 0 (omitted)
c.age#c.age | .0138486 .0000339 408.30 0.000 .0137822 .0139151
location |
rural | -.1727199 .0014851 -116.31 0.000 -.1756306 -.1698092
ymid | .0177454 .0000427 415.28 0.000 .0176616 .0178291
federal | 1.133364 .0017353 653.14 0.000 1.129963 1.136765
popsize |
medium | .1244144 .0006323 196.77 0.000 .1231751 .1256536
large | .2168877 .0007244 299.40 0.000 .2154678 .2183075
munic_gdp | -2.25e-10 3.45e-12 -65.33 0.000 -2.32e-10 -2.18e-10
_cons | 7.663446 .014959 512.30 0.000 7.634127 7.692765
Absorbed degrees of freedom:
Absorbed FE | Categories - Redundant = Num. Coefs |
state_school | 27 0 27 |
I guess this is probably because of the propensity scores.
Now when I try rifhdreg effects are positive.
rifhdreg scores i.eligible##i.policy, rif(q(50)) over(policy) abs(state_school) rwlogit(i.maeduc sex age c.age##c.age i.location ymid federal i.popsize munic_gdp) att trim(0.01,0.98)
HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 10,492,959
Absorbing 1 HDFE group F( 9,10492923)= 184767.80
Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.1535
Adj R-squared = 0.1535
Within R-sq. = 0.1259
Root MSE = 1.1772
| Robust
scores | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
eligible |
group 1 | -.3530913 .0052722 -66.97 0.000 -.3634247 -.3427579
group 2 | -.9244422 .0022359 -413.46 0.000 -.9288244 -.9200599
group 3 | -.4669798 .0080754 -57.83 0.000 -.4828072 -.4511523
group 4 | -1.150093 .002121 -542.24 0.000 -1.15425 -1.145936
1.policy | -.1039593 .0016711 -62.21 0.000 -.1072346 -.1006841
eligible#policy |
group 1#1 | .1458918 .0062365 23.39 0.000 .1336685 .1581151
group 2#1 | .0613481 .0024609 24.93 0.000 .0565247 .0661714
group 3#1 | .1575793 .0094327 16.71 0.000 .1390915 .176067
group 4#1 | .0880934 .0022803 38.63 0.000 .0836241 .0925627
_cons | .7040373 .0015276 460.87 0.000 .7010432 .7070314
Absorbed degrees of freedom:
Absorbed FE | Categories - Redundant = Num. Coefs |
state_school | 27 0 27 |
Distributional Statistic: q(50)
Sample Mean RIF q(50) : -.08672
I then use the qregplot command for each group
qregplot 2.eligible#1.policy , q(5(5)95) ols raopt( color(black%5))
The graphs look cool (I couldn't paste here) but I am not sure whether I am doing the right thing and how to compare the results with OLS. I also wanted to put the results for each model into one graph. Can anyone help?
Thanks for the help!!
I am studying the effect of a policy on students' scores. Since results are heterogeneous, I thought I could try to estimate unconditional QTE , using a DiD framework. The data is repeated cross-section (N=10 M) and treatment (eligible) is not binary, with 4 treatment groups and never treated=0. In "before" (policy=0) no one is treated, in "after" the 4 treatment groups are treated at the same time. I am also using covariates with and without fixed effects. I wonder if rifhdreg would be appropriate, given the size of the dataset and considering a non-binary treatment. Most methods require a binary variable. A good thing about rifhdreg is that it calculates the IPW which I couldn't do with a categorical variable.
The OLS FE results are quite different (see below)
reghdfe scores i.eligible##i.policy i.maeduc sex age c.age##c.age i.location ymid federal i.popsize munic_gdp, abs(state_school) vce(robust)
(MWFE estimator converged in 1 iterations)
note: age omitted because of collinearity
HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 10,492,959
Absorbing 1 HDFE group F( 23,10492909)= 210336.66
Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.3706
Adj R-squared = 0.3706
Within R-sq. = 0.3432
Root MSE = 0.7934
| Robust
scores | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
eligible |
group 1 | -.4104479 .0036849 -111.39 0.000 -.4176701 -.4032256
group 2 | -.5835029 .0016248 -359.13 0.000 -.5866874 -.5803185
group 3 | -.5346714 .0053164 -100.57 0.000 -.5450914 -.5242514
group 4 | -.7244366 .0015726 -460.67 0.000 -.7275188 -.7213545
1.policy | .0328963 .0013969 23.55 0.000 .0301585 .0356342
eligible#policy |
group 1#1 | -.0073701 .0045681 -1.61 0.107 -.0163234 .0015833
group 2#1 | -.0523011 .0017602 -29.71 0.000 -.0557511 -.0488512
group 3#1 | -.0177454 .0064512 -2.75 0.006 -.0303895 -.0051014
group 4#1 | -.0310596 .0016786 -18.50 0.000 -.0343496 -.0277696
maeduc |
Primary | .0600287 .0015395 38.99 0.000 .0570114 .063046
Middle school | .102138 .0015253 66.96 0.000 .0991485 .1051274
High school | .2354342 .0015262 154.26 0.000 .2324429 .2384254
University | .4406134 .0017124 257.31 0.000 .4372572 .4439696
Postgrad | .5003833 .0018582 269.29 0.000 .4967413 .5040252
sex | -.0815129 .0005098 -159.88 0.000 -.0825122 -.0805137
age | -.6658851 .0014303 -465.55 0.000 -.6686885 -.6630817
age | 0 (omitted)
c.age#c.age | .0138486 .0000339 408.30 0.000 .0137822 .0139151
location |
rural | -.1727199 .0014851 -116.31 0.000 -.1756306 -.1698092
ymid | .0177454 .0000427 415.28 0.000 .0176616 .0178291
federal | 1.133364 .0017353 653.14 0.000 1.129963 1.136765
popsize |
medium | .1244144 .0006323 196.77 0.000 .1231751 .1256536
large | .2168877 .0007244 299.40 0.000 .2154678 .2183075
munic_gdp | -2.25e-10 3.45e-12 -65.33 0.000 -2.32e-10 -2.18e-10
_cons | 7.663446 .014959 512.30 0.000 7.634127 7.692765
Absorbed degrees of freedom:
Absorbed FE | Categories - Redundant = Num. Coefs |
state_school | 27 0 27 |
I guess this is probably because of the propensity scores.
Now when I try rifhdreg effects are positive.
rifhdreg scores i.eligible##i.policy, rif(q(50)) over(policy) abs(state_school) rwlogit(i.maeduc sex age c.age##c.age i.location ymid federal i.popsize munic_gdp) att trim(0.01,0.98)
HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 10,492,959
Absorbing 1 HDFE group F( 9,10492923)= 184767.80
Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.1535
Adj R-squared = 0.1535
Within R-sq. = 0.1259
Root MSE = 1.1772
| Robust
scores | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
eligible |
group 1 | -.3530913 .0052722 -66.97 0.000 -.3634247 -.3427579
group 2 | -.9244422 .0022359 -413.46 0.000 -.9288244 -.9200599
group 3 | -.4669798 .0080754 -57.83 0.000 -.4828072 -.4511523
group 4 | -1.150093 .002121 -542.24 0.000 -1.15425 -1.145936
1.policy | -.1039593 .0016711 -62.21 0.000 -.1072346 -.1006841
eligible#policy |
group 1#1 | .1458918 .0062365 23.39 0.000 .1336685 .1581151
group 2#1 | .0613481 .0024609 24.93 0.000 .0565247 .0661714
group 3#1 | .1575793 .0094327 16.71 0.000 .1390915 .176067
group 4#1 | .0880934 .0022803 38.63 0.000 .0836241 .0925627
_cons | .7040373 .0015276 460.87 0.000 .7010432 .7070314
Absorbed degrees of freedom:
Absorbed FE | Categories - Redundant = Num. Coefs |
state_school | 27 0 27 |
Distributional Statistic: q(50)
Sample Mean RIF q(50) : -.08672
I then use the qregplot command for each group
qregplot 2.eligible#1.policy , q(5(5)95) ols raopt( color(black%5))
The graphs look cool (I couldn't paste here) but I am not sure whether I am doing the right thing and how to compare the results with OLS. I also wanted to put the results for each model into one graph. Can anyone help?
Thanks for the help!!