Can we set estab output the tables for rtf with landscape view?
Do we have such option?
Do we have such option?
esttab . using lscape.rtf, noisily
esttab . using lscape.rtf, prehead(`"{\rtf1\mac\deff0 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil Times New Roman;}"' `"{\info {\author .}{\company .}{\title .}{\creatim\yr2022\mo4\dy7\hr11\min21}}"' `"\deflang1033\plain\fs24"' `"{\footer\pard\qc\plain\f0\fs24\chpgn\par}"' `"\lndscpsxn\pgwsxn16840\pghsxn11901"' `"{"')
sysuse auto reg price weight foreign est sto m1 local hook "\deflang1033\plain\fs24" local pfmt "\paperw15840\paperh12240\landscape" // US letter esttab m1 m1 m1 using ~/exampleUS.rtf, replace wide /// substitute("`hook'" "`hook'`pfmt'") local pfmt "\paperw16834\paperh11909\landscape" // AA esttab m1 m1 m1 using ~/exampleA4.rtf, replace wide /// substitute("`hook'" "`hook'`pfmt'")