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  • Heckprob: calculating lambda terms

    Hi all!

    I have estimated a mi estimate: heckprob model, but are having trouble understanding how to obtain lambda and its corresponding p-value when I am dealing with multiple imputed data. My code and results are as follows:

    mi estimate, cmdok post: heckprobit nonviolent_success lagfpe, select(nonongoing=lagfpe lagelection) vce(cluster country_name) 
    Multiple-imputation estimates                   Imputations       =         10
    Probit model with sample selection              Number of obs     =     11,973
                                                    Average RVI       =     0.0528
                                                    Largest FMI       =     0.1634
                                                    DF:     min       =     357.09
                                                            avg       = 108,875.71
    DF adjustment:   Large sample                           max       = 227,928.36
                                                    F(   1,      .)   =          .
    Within VCE type:       Robust                   Prob > F          =          .
                                  (Within VCE adjusted for 195 clusters in country_name)
                       | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
    nonviolent_success |
                lagfpe |   .1464942   .2132728     0.69   0.492    -.2715179    .5645063
                 _cons |   1.737143   .1213538    14.31   0.000     1.499293    1.974994
    nonongoing         |
                lagfpe |  -.0270054   .1966883    -0.14   0.891    -.4125111    .3585003
           lagelection |   .0274804   .0234866     1.17   0.242    -.0185544    .0735152
                 _cons |  -1.713432   .1140081   -15.03   0.000    -1.936885   -1.489979
               /athrho |  -5.718097   1.487884    -3.84   0.000    -8.644214   -2.791981
                   rho |  -.9999784   .0000643                     -.9999999   -.9925128
    If anyone could help me understand how to calculate the value for lambda based on these values, it would be greatly appreciated!
