Regarding Chow test
gen break =(year ==2019)
gen breakx1= break*x1
regress y x1 x2 x3 x4 if year== 2018|year ==2019
Regarding panel data
Also , is it possible to add interactions in Panel data ?
I get the error ... factor variables may not contain noninteger values
- Can someone explain me Chow test for panel data and chow test for OLS? I know that panel data has the test for Poolability and OLS has the test for structural breaks
- Does the test have the same interpretation when we run the test?
- Can one run the Chow test using only one break interaction with one one variable but not the others but still insert other control variables?
gen break =(year ==2019)
gen breakx1= break*x1
regress y x1 x2 x3 x4 if year== 2018|year ==2019
Regarding panel data
Also , is it possible to add interactions in Panel data ?
I get the error ... factor variables may not contain noninteger values