In did different regressions and put them together with the "esttab" command. I also scaled them by standard deviation of an underlying variable. In the six created regression tables the Adj. R^2 and also the t-statistic value are calculated.
In my combined table created with the esttab command, I also want Stata to show me the R^2 and the t-statistic value in this table, but so far I did not come up with any solutions.
Here's my code:
reg bklevg inlevg
qui: estadd local YearFE "No" , replace
qui: estadd local IndustryFE "No" , replace
eststo reg1
reghdfe bklevg inlevg logsales mktb prof tang, a(fyear) vce(robust)
qui: estadd local YearFE "Yes" , replace
qui: estadd local IndustryFE "No" , replace
eststo reg2
reghdfe bklevg inlevg logsales mktb prof tang indmedbl divpayer, a(fyear) vce(robust)
qui: estadd local YearFE "Yes" , replace
qui: estadd local IndustryFE "No" , replace
eststo reg3
reg mklevg inlevg
qui: estadd local YearFE "No" , replace
qui: estadd local IndustryFE "No" , replace
eststo reg4
reghdfe mklevg inlevg logsales mktb prof tang, a(fyear) vce(robust)
qui: estadd local YearFE "Yes" , replace
qui: estadd local IndustryFE "No" , replace
eststo reg5
reghdfe mklevg inlevg logsales mktb prof tang indmedbl divpayer, a(fyear) vce(robust)
qui: estadd local YearFE "Yes" , replace
qui: estadd local IndustryFE "No" , replace
eststo reg6
esttab reg1 reg2 reg3 reg4 reg5 reg6, transform (inlevg @*0.1926886 @ logsales @*2.339952 @ mktb @*2.4294071 @ prof @*0.33298033 @ tang @*0.23045626 @ indmedbl @*0.09862091 @ divpayer @*0.48950112 @)
cells(b(fmt(%4.2f)) se(par fmt(%3.2f))) starlevels(* 0.1 * 0.05 ** 0.01) ///
stats(YearFE IndustryFE N, fmt(%12.0fc %12.0fc %12.0fc) label("Year FE" "Industry FE" "Observations"))
In my combined table created with the esttab command, I also want Stata to show me the R^2 and the t-statistic value in this table, but so far I did not come up with any solutions.
Here's my code:
reg bklevg inlevg
qui: estadd local YearFE "No" , replace
qui: estadd local IndustryFE "No" , replace
eststo reg1
reghdfe bklevg inlevg logsales mktb prof tang, a(fyear) vce(robust)
qui: estadd local YearFE "Yes" , replace
qui: estadd local IndustryFE "No" , replace
eststo reg2
reghdfe bklevg inlevg logsales mktb prof tang indmedbl divpayer, a(fyear) vce(robust)
qui: estadd local YearFE "Yes" , replace
qui: estadd local IndustryFE "No" , replace
eststo reg3
reg mklevg inlevg
qui: estadd local YearFE "No" , replace
qui: estadd local IndustryFE "No" , replace
eststo reg4
reghdfe mklevg inlevg logsales mktb prof tang, a(fyear) vce(robust)
qui: estadd local YearFE "Yes" , replace
qui: estadd local IndustryFE "No" , replace
eststo reg5
reghdfe mklevg inlevg logsales mktb prof tang indmedbl divpayer, a(fyear) vce(robust)
qui: estadd local YearFE "Yes" , replace
qui: estadd local IndustryFE "No" , replace
eststo reg6
esttab reg1 reg2 reg3 reg4 reg5 reg6, transform (inlevg @*0.1926886 @ logsales @*2.339952 @ mktb @*2.4294071 @ prof @*0.33298033 @ tang @*0.23045626 @ indmedbl @*0.09862091 @ divpayer @*0.48950112 @)
cells(b(fmt(%4.2f)) se(par fmt(%3.2f))) starlevels(* 0.1 * 0.05 ** 0.01) ///
stats(YearFE IndustryFE N, fmt(%12.0fc %12.0fc %12.0fc) label("Year FE" "Industry FE" "Observations"))