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EDIT: the DDD approach in general sounds like a plausible one. Without code or a better asked/formulated question, I otherwise don't endorse anything else about this.
I was just wondering then the coefficient estimate for the interaction term for the country, wave and ethnic individual in each of the 9 countries. Essentially I am trying to see the different impact of the immigration policy on ethnic and non-ethnic individuals in the selected countries.
I will be honest: DDD is basically a three way interaction term between policy, time and (usually) subgroup, and I'm no good with 3 way interactions, and neither is my methods teacher.
I've only done the standard DD setup, and I'm not qualified to talk about a triple differences design in the same way that I could a normal DD approach.
That is fine, i still appreciate the help. What if I wanted to do an ordinary DD model. How would that differ? Or how would that be implemented in this context? Thanks
If you want the difference in policy effect between ethnic and non-ethnic in, say, Denmark, that is the sum of the following regression coefficients: 2.wave#1.ethnic + Denmark#2.wave#1.ethnic. To get that calculated along with its standard error, confidence interval, and test statistics, you can use the -lincom- command. The exact code for that depends on the names that Stata uses to refer to those coefficients in your _b[] matrix after the regression. And that, in turn, can vary among versions of Stata. So, to get the -lincom- syntax right, you have to re-run the regression adding the -coefl- option at the end of the command. Stata will re-run the regression, this time showing the coefficients and their names inside the _b[] matrix. Use that information to write your -lincom- command.