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  • Using the Putexcel command inside a loop

    Good morning everyone,
    I would like to use (if possible) the putexcel command in a loop to create this result in excel (for each province I would like to calculate the r(mean) of EBITDA for each sector):
    EBITDA 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
    agriculture 1 2 3 4 5
    electronic 5 4 3 2 1
    commerce 6 7 8 9 10
    finance 10 9 8 7 6
    To create this table in excel I wrote this code (which unfortunately doesn't work):
    global Year1=2016
    global YearN=2020
    cd "C:\Users\Ricky\Desktop\Interlocking2020\ISP2021\Dati2021\Andamenti"
    global route = "C:\Users\Ricky\Desktop\Interlocking2020\ISP2021\Dati2021\Andamenti"
    foreach provinces in "Belluno" "Padua" "Rovigo" "Treviso" "Venice" "Verona" "Vicenza" "Gorizia" "Pordenone" "Trieste" "Udine" "Trento" "Bolzano" {    
    foreach sector in "agriculture" "electronic" "commerce" "finance" {
    forvalues y=$YearN(1)$Year1 {
    forvalues j = 1/4 {
    tokenize "B C D E F"
    forvalues n = 1/5 {
    keep if Provincia=="`provinces'"
    keep if SETTORI=="`sector'"
    putexcel set "${route}\Andamento`provinces'.xlsx", sheet("Andamento") modify
    summarize EBITDA`y'
    return list
    putexcel ``n''`=1+`j''= `r(mean)'
    putexcel set "${route}\Andamento`provinces'.xlsx", sheet("Andamento") modify
    putexcel A1="EBITDA"
    putexcel A2="agriculture"
    putexcel A3="electronic"
    putexcel A4="commerce"
    putexcel A5="finance"
    putexcel B1="2020"
    putexcel C1="2019"
    putexcel D1="2018"
    putexcel E1="2017"
    putexcel F1="2016"
    In your opinion, is it possible to achieve the result I would like?
    Thank you for any kind of help.
    Last edited by Riccardo Busin; 06 Apr 2022, 16:29.

  • #2
    Your code contains several errors. But, more important, this is a bit like trying to hammer a nail by pounding it with a screwdriver. This task is more simply accomplished by reorganizing the data set with -collapse- to resemble the tables you want and then using -export excel-.

    keep if inlist(SETTORI, "agriculture", "electronic", "commerce", "finance") ///
        & (inlist(Provincia, "Belluno", "Padua", "Rovigo", "Treviso", "Venice", "Verona") ///
        | inlist(Provincia, "Vicenza", "Gorizia", "Pordenone", "Trieste", "Udine", "Trento", "Bolzano"))
    collapse (mean) EBITDA2020 EBITDA2019 EBITDA2018 EBITDA2017 EBITDA2016, by(SETTORI Provincia)
    levelsof Provincia, local(provinces)
    foreach p of local provinces {
        export excel SETTORI EBITDA* using "${route}/Andamento`p'.xlsx" ///
        if Provincia == "`p'", sheet("Andamento", modify) firstrow(variables)
    Note: As no example data was provided, this code is untested. It may contain typos or be in some ways incompatible with your data. But I think it shows you the outline of a better general approach.

    As an aside, it would be a safer programming practice to put that path into a local macro instead of a global macro.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
      Your code contains several errors. But, more important, this is a bit like trying to hammer a nail by pounding it with a screwdriver. This task is more simply accomplished by reorganizing the data set with -collapse- to resemble the tables you want and then using -export excel-.

      keep if inlist(SETTORI, "agriculture", "electronic", "commerce", "finance") ///
      & (inlist(Provincia, "Belluno", "Padua", "Rovigo", "Treviso", "Venice", "Verona") ///
      | inlist(Provincia, "Vicenza", "Gorizia", "Pordenone", "Trieste", "Udine", "Trento", "Bolzano"))
      collapse (mean) EBITDA2020 EBITDA2019 EBITDA2018 EBITDA2017 EBITDA2016, by(SETTORI Provincia)
      levelsof Provincia, local(provinces)
      foreach p of local provinces {
      export excel SETTORI EBITDA* using "${route}/Andamento`p'.xlsx" ///
      if Provincia == "`p'", sheet("Andamento", modify) firstrow(variables)
      Note: As no example data was provided, this code is untested. It may contain typos or be in some ways incompatible with your data. But I think it shows you the outline of a better general approach.

      As an aside, it would be a safer programming practice to put that path into a local macro instead of a global macro.
      Thanks for your help and for your valuable advice. I'm just asking you one more thing. Does the collapse (mean) command matches with r (mean) which I get using the summarize command?
      The use of putexcel derives from the possibility of saving this result (r (mean)) in an excel cell.
      Thanks again again.


      • #4
        Yes, -collapse (mean)- calculates the mean of each of the variables listed in the same way that the -summarize- command does. The difference is that -collapse- leaves the results as variables in memory, whereas -summarize- leaves the result for one variable in `r(mean)'.

