Hello StataList!
I have the following problem. I want to export a table (for which I'm using de estout command) but my problem is that I want to change the p-values.
This because I estimate False Discovery Rate (FDR) adjusted p-values (Anderson, 2008) and I have them in a different database (in which I have in one column the original p-value, and in the next one the adjusted p-value).
Is there a form to export a table directly from stata to tex format in which I can include the originals estimations (for the coefficients) and the new p-values I estimate?
Thanks you very much!
I have the following problem. I want to export a table (for which I'm using de estout command) but my problem is that I want to change the p-values.
This because I estimate False Discovery Rate (FDR) adjusted p-values (Anderson, 2008) and I have them in a different database (in which I have in one column the original p-value, and in the next one the adjusted p-value).
Is there a form to export a table directly from stata to tex format in which I can include the originals estimations (for the coefficients) and the new p-values I estimate?
Thanks you very much!