Hello everyone,
I am conducting a tax pass-through analysis. Therefore, I use a DiD approach with areg, log prices and a treat#post interaction term. The estimates report the price effect in percent. However, I would like to show the estimates and the CIs as pass-through rates essentially recreating the table shown below.
I manage to accomplish this for the estimates, but I struggle finding a way to do the same for the corresponding CIs.
My code is as follows:
Does anyone know how to include the CIs as shown in the picture? How do I add the "%" in the cells?
I tried to formulate my problem as clear as possible. Please let me know, if things remained unclear.
Thank you very much in advance.
I am conducting a tax pass-through analysis. Therefore, I use a DiD approach with areg, log prices and a treat#post interaction term. The estimates report the price effect in percent. However, I would like to show the estimates and the CIs as pass-through rates essentially recreating the table shown below.
I manage to accomplish this for the estimates, but I struggle finding a way to do the same for the corresponding CIs.
My code is as follows:
eststo e5: quietly areg ln_e5 i.date 1.treat#1.post, cluster(id) a(id) estadd scalar pt = _b[1.treat#1.post]/(-0.03/1.19)*100 estadd scalar lower_ci = (_b[1.treat#1.post] - invttail(e(df_r),0.025)*_se[1.treat#1.post])//(-0.03/1.19)*100 estadd scalar upper_ci = (_b[1.treat#1.post] + invttail(e(df_r),0.025)*_se[1.treat#1.post])//(-0.03/1.19)* * similarly for E10 and Diesel esttab using "output.tex", /// keep(_cons 1.treat#1.post) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) cells(b(star fmt(%9.6fc)) se(par) ci(par)) nonumbers brackets /// stats(pt N r2,labels("Pass-Through (in \%)" "Observations" "R-squared") fmt(%9.2fc %9.0fc %9.4fc)) /// mtitles("E5" "E10" "Diesel" /// label booktabs replace nogap collabels(none) nonotes
I tried to formulate my problem as clear as possible. Please let me know, if things remained unclear.
Thank you very much in advance.