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  • Convert start/end variables into years

    Hi all,

    I am working with some data that is structured as follows:
    Person Company Role Role start date Role end date
    John A Manager 2014 2016
    John B Director 2013 2015
    Luke B Manager 2014 2015
    Lucy C Advisor 2014 2015
    What I am interested in obtaining is the following: I want to see, for each person, how many simultaneous roles they had, and in which years. For instance, John worked simultaneously in company A and B for the years 2014-2015. I would like to end up with something like this:
    Person Year Simultaneous roles
    John 2013 1
    John 2014 2
    John 2015 2
    John 2016 1
    Luke 2014 1
    Luke 2015 1
    Lucy 2014 1
    Lucy 2015 1
    As you can see, for simplicity I deleted the company and role variables (because I do not care about the company or role role, but whether a person has 2 or more roles at once), and of course the start and end dates, as I want to have panel data.

    The new variable simultaneous roles indicates the number of roles that an individual has in a given year. It can be 1, 2, 3... Besides, I would like to include the whole sample period (2000-2019), so in the years when the individuals were not employed, the variable simultaneous roles would simply indicate 0.

    Thank you very much in advance!

    Best regards,


  • #2
    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input str4 person str1 company str8 role int(rolestartdate roleenddate)
    "John" "A" "Manager"  2014 2016
    "John" "B" "Director" 2013 2015
    "Luke" "B" "Manager"  2014 2015
    "Lucy" "C" "Advisor"  2014 2015
    gen duration= roleenddate -rolestartdate +1
    expand duration, g(new)
    bys person company role (new): replace rolestartdate = rolestartdate[_n-1]+ 1 if new
    rename rolestartdate year
    contract person year, freq(simultaneous_roles)

    . l, sepby(person)
         | person   year   simult~s |
      1. |   John   2013          1 |
      2. |   John   2014          2 |
      3. |   John   2015          2 |
      4. |   John   2016          1 |
      5. |   Lucy   2014          1 |
      6. |   Lucy   2015          1 |
      7. |   Luke   2014          1 |
      8. |   Luke   2015          1 |

