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  • Look for significant difference between two groups


    I run a survey in which the participants have to decide how they would allocate money between an ingroup member and an outgroup member.

    I have two groups. The first group will answer the questions hypothetically and the second group will do it incentivized (so their allocation is really implemented)

    Now I have to look if there is a significant difference in what they give to the ingroup between the hypothetical and the incentivized group. (Does the incentivized group give significantly more or less to the ingroups than the hypothetical group?)

    I was told to do it with a dummy, where the incentivized group is like a treatment group. But I do not really get how I can implement it in Stata.

    Many thanks in advance

  • #2
    an idea might be:
    svy: logit <depvar> <otherregressors> <controls>
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Thanks for your reply, but I don't get it yet.

      Here is my pre-test data:
      1st column: for each participant in the incentivized group the allocation to the ingroup
      2nd column: for each participant in the hypothetical group the allocation to the ingroup

      Now I have to look if there is a significant difference between what those groups give to the ingroup (I hope that there is no significant difference, so I can put the observation of both groups together in one variable)

      1. | . |
      2. | . |
      3. | . |
      4. | . |
      5. | 0 |
      6. | 70 |
      7. | . |
      8. | . |
      9. | 100 |
      10. | . |
      11. | 30 |
      12. | . |
      13. | . |
      14. | 60 |
      15. | 60 |
      16. | . |
      17. | 50 |
      18. | . |
      19. | 50 |
      20. | . |
      21. | 40 |
      22. | . |

      hyp |
      1. | . |
      2. | 40 |
      3. | 60 |
      4. | . |
      5. | . |
      6. | . |
      7. | . |
      8. | 50 |
      9. | . |
      10. | 30 |
      11. | . |
      12. | 60 |
      13. | 70 |
      14. | . |
      15. | . |
      16. | 50 |
      17. | . |
      18. | 80 |
      19. | . |
      20. | 0 |
      21. | . |
      22. | 40 |

      Last edited by Doris Schmidt; 04 Apr 2022, 04:19.


      • #4
        my previous reply heavily drew upon your description.
        1) what is the metric of the question (regressand)? I thought it was a yes/no answer, whereas it seems a share out of 100;
        2) did your data come from a survey with PSU and related stuff or by survey you meant, in general term, an inquiry?
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5

          1) the participants have 100€ and decide how they allocate it between an ingroup and an outgroup member (it is a slider that goes from 0 to 100, on the left side is the outgroup on the right side the ingroup)
          2) it is a survey that I created on Qualtrics for my thesis


          • #6
            as per you last clarification, I would go:
            . label define group 0 "incentivized" 1 "hypothetical"
            . label val group group
            . regress ingroup
                  Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =        19
            -------------+----------------------------------   F(1, 17)        =      0.07
                   Model |  45.8479532         1  45.8479532   Prob > F        =    0.7900
                Residual |  10648.8889        17  626.405229   R-squared       =    0.0043
            -------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =   -0.0543
                   Total |  10694.7368        18  594.152047   Root MSE        =    25.028
                  ingroup | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
                    group |
            hypothetical  |  -3.111111   11.49961    -0.27   0.790    -27.37317    21.15095
                    _cons |   51.11111   8.342696     6.13   0.000     33.50956    68.71266
            Kind regards,
            (StataNow 18.5)


            • #7
              Ok many thanks, I think this works

