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  • Multiple Imputation error -Survey of consumer finance

    Thank you for reading my concern.

    I am using dataset from the Survey of consumer finance and it has imputation error. I tried running:
    micombine regress income_1 employment_stat age race , obsid(y1) impid(imp) detail

    and the error was :

    imputation identifier imp not found

    how do I go from here? Thank you

  • #2
    did you impute your data using one of Royston's commands (e.g., ice, uv) or did you use the "official" -mi impute- command? if the latter, then you need to use -mi estimate-, no -micombine-; if you did use, e.g., -ice-, you need to give us much more information about how you go to where you are - please read, and act on, the FAQ


    • #3
      Thank you for your reply, I used the command
      ice income_1 i.employment_stat age i.race, saving(imp) m(5)

      I am unsure what is the next step to micombine. Thank you


      • #4
        Attached to this is the description to the imputation error at 2a)

        Thank you.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          first, I do not open binary files from people I don't know

          second, rather than using -micombine-, I use -mi import ice- and then use the built-in -mi estimate- command (thus, I can't help re: -micombine-)

