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  • Difference in Difference model in Stata

    Hi all smart folks!

    I am trying to replicate a figure from the code I got from the authors of a paper.

    I want to use didregress command in Stata to replicate the table. However, I could not figure it out. Could someone help? Thanks!

    The original code is below:

    *TABLE 2 -- D-in-D;
    sum logrealsales if cc==1 & year<2000
    sum logrealsales if cc==1 & year>1999
    sum logrealsales if lc==1 & year<2000
    sum logrealsales if lc==1 & year>1999
    gen did=0
    replace did=1 if cc==1 & year>1999
    gen tafter=0
    replace tafter=1 if year>1999
    regress logrealsales cc tafter did
    drop tafter did

    Here is the table for the results after using the difference in difference.
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	1657705

  • #2
    I'm gonna be honest here.... I don't use tables very often in my research. I like graphs.

    Either way, it's still not possible for me to tell you what I'm looking at here. I know what n means...... but what do the others correspond to? Literal averages? Regression coefficients? What about the parentheses? Standard errors? T-stats? There's still too little information to go on. The only thing I get about this table is the right hand side

