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  • Panel data growth rate

    Hi all! I have to write my MSc thesis, using STATA, and I am not much of a star when it comes to STATA.

    I have made a panel data set for 38 countries with data on BankConcentration and BankAssetConcentration (measures the amount of market share for either the largest 3 or five banks) for the years 2000-2020 (yearly data). Some data is missing (not sure if this is important).

    I managed to get a stable with the average BankConcentration and BankAssetConcentration by doing:
    table Country, c(mean BankConcentration mean BankAssetConcentration) format(%2.1f)

    However, I would also like to add the change in BankConcentration and BankAssetConcentration from 2000 to 2020. So not yearly, just between 2000 and 2020.

    Anyone able to help me?

    All the best,
    Floris Groenendijk

  • #2

    I was told by someone in a message that it would help if I showed an example of my DATA so here it is!

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input str15 Country int Year double(BankAssetConcentration BankConcentration) float AverageBankAssetConcentration
    "Australia" 2000 83.48032 68.20748 89.83002
    "Australia" 2001 90.04728 74.34444 89.83002
    "Australia" 2002      100 97.10479 89.83002
    "Australia" 2003        .      100 89.83002
    "Australia" 2004        .        . 89.83002
    "Australia" 2005 91.95348 71.66194 89.83002
    "Australia" 2006 84.08195 62.18586 89.83002
    "Australia" 2007 83.62218 60.63155 89.83002
    "Australia" 2008 85.85577 63.06992 89.83002
    "Australia" 2009  89.0487 64.69945 89.83002
    "Australia" 2010 89.63209 68.05941 89.83002
    "Australia" 2011  90.2329 68.63185 89.83002
    "Australia" 2012 93.37788  70.8965 89.83002
    "Australia" 2013 93.15621 71.11245 89.83002
    "Australia" 2014 93.30155 70.92371 89.83002
    "Australia" 2015        . 85.39842 89.83002
    "Australia" 2016        . 88.78745 89.83002
    "Australia" 2017        .  88.7058 89.83002
    "Australia" 2018        . 89.30564 89.83002
    "Australia" 2019        .      100 89.83002
    "Australia" 2020        . 89.90458 89.83002
    "Austria"   2000  78.0416 68.42185 76.94521
    "Austria"   2001 80.30295 72.91187 76.94521
    "Austria"   2002 78.85606 71.47401 76.94521
    "Austria"   2003 78.45121  71.0605 76.94521
    "Austria"   2004 77.53021 68.02392 76.94521
    "Austria"   2005  77.8132 73.57345 76.94521
    "Austria"   2006 73.58308 68.48531 76.94521
    "Austria"   2007 68.41357 61.40472 76.94521
    "Austria"   2008 76.69174 67.66995 76.94521
    "Austria"   2009  70.5828 52.68794 76.94521
    "Austria"   2010 76.49077 61.96189 76.94521
    "Austria"   2011 75.93793 62.74459 76.94521
    "Austria"   2012 66.75846  54.8424 76.94521
    "Austria"   2013 60.21509 48.24577 76.94521
    "Austria"   2014 55.06584  42.5083 76.94521
    "Austria"   2015  80.6841 73.27518 76.94521
    "Austria"   2016 81.36531 74.55209 76.94521
    "Austria"   2017 83.78063 77.90511 76.94521
    "Austria"   2018  90.0013 84.57088 76.94521
    "Austria"   2019 90.05181 84.80804 76.94521
    "Austria"   2020  95.2317 90.52657 76.94521
    "Belgium"   2000 89.39458 85.23978 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2001 85.73082  80.1463 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2002 89.11327 86.13616 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2003 94.76093 80.11963 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2004 95.28711 80.70235 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2005 95.76141 81.13053 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2006 95.97656 80.87917 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2007  96.4454 82.76054 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2008 96.03246 93.65233 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2009 94.74641 91.77238 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2010 92.94666 89.61216 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2011 92.76576 85.08249 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2012 91.59709 80.76307 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2013 91.48807 79.81688 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2014 93.95004 88.86395 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2015 93.82435 78.40311 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2016  94.4852 77.76303 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2017 93.84309 75.08655 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2018 93.03181  81.4233 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2019 94.05086 82.33794 93.41822
    "Belgium"   2020  96.5507 88.50285 93.41822
    "Chile"     2000 59.38295        . 80.64794
    "Chile"     2001 60.87859 40.24975 80.64794
    "Chile"     2002 72.62569 55.75956 80.64794
    "Chile"     2003 73.36391  55.2305 80.64794
    "Chile"     2004 73.69353 54.65604 80.64794
    "Chile"     2005 75.04085 55.97976 80.64794
    "Chile"     2006 75.03164 55.19216 80.64794
    "Chile"     2007 73.15701 53.29204 80.64794
    "Chile"     2008        .        . 80.64794
    "Chile"     2009        .        . 80.64794
    "Chile"     2010        . 97.14853 80.64794
    "Chile"     2011 99.20038 92.51259 80.64794
    "Chile"     2012 99.26725 92.85911 80.64794
    "Chile"     2013      100 94.22449 80.64794
    "Chile"     2014      100 93.67061 80.64794
    "Chile"     2015 83.40388 55.47455 80.64794
    "Chile"     2016 83.77233 53.03325 80.64794
    "Chile"     2017 82.55959 52.72477 80.64794
    "Chile"     2018  76.6776 49.57371 80.64794
    "Chile"     2019 76.76704 50.29628 80.64794
    "Chile"     2020 86.84068 59.34887 80.64794
    "Colombia"  2000 82.09666 63.30368 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2001 77.10635 52.18338 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2002 76.45492 52.31126 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2003 75.40412 51.27882 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2004 75.93626 54.53022 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2005 90.67006 75.08419 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2006        .      100 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2007        .        . 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2008        .        . 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2009        .        . 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2010        .      100 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2011        .  98.6925 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2012        .  98.4413 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2013        .        . 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2014        .        . 83.44846
    "Colombia"  2015 89.46138 65.06151 83.44846

