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  • Need help for Panel Data Regression with "reghdfe"

    Good day,
    I have quarterly data regarding GDP from different European countries, i.e. panel data. With the command
    PHP Code:
    xtset Country_num Year 
    I have specified the structure, is this correct ?

    For the regression I have to use the command "reghdfe" and control for direct country effects.
    Which of the two would be correct for this ?
    PHP Code:
    reghdfe y x1 x2absorb(country_numvce(robust
    PHP Code:
    reghdfe y x1 x2absorb(Land_num Yearvce(robust
    Furthermore, maybe I want to use the cluster command if i get better results for it in my regression, how would it look then ?
    Would this be correct ?
    PHP Code:
    reghdfe y x1 x2cluster(Land_numabsorb(Land_num
    I would be very happy if you could help me and explain the differences as well

  • #2
    welcome to this forum.
    Just out of curiosity: why should you have to use the community-contributed module -reghdfe- to go country -fe-?
    Is if a class/home assignment on panel data regression (if it were the case, as per FAQ, the rule is "please do not post, please do not reply").
    Please clarify (and use the # toggle to share your Stata codes). Thanks
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      I don't use this command but all of it pretty much looks right. My only question is why do you have the year as the time variable in xtset instead of the quarterly variable?


      • #4
        Thanks for your answers. I am new so i do not really know how this works. I just named the quarterly data Year so you know that it is a time variable.
        I have read a lot of literature and I was told to cluster the standard errors ? Would it be correct then or would it make sense at all in my case ?
        reghdfe y x1 x2, cluster(Land_num) absorb(Land_num)
        It's for a private project I'm working on and I was told that the -reghdfe- command had replaced the -xtset, fe- command


        • #5
          thanks for clarifying.
          Whoever told you that the community-contributed module -reghdfe- superseeded -xtreg,fe- is wrong (see related help files for the differences between the two tools).
          Your code can be written using -xtreg,fe:
          xtset Land_num
          xtreg  y x1 x2 i.quarter, fe vce(cluster Land_num)
          It is mandatory to -xtset- your panel dataset with the -timevar- too if you've planned to use time-series operators, such as lags and leads. Otherwise, you can safely -xtset- your panel dataset with the -panelid- only.
          Kind regards,
          (StataNow 18.5)


          • #6
            Thanks for your answers. I want to use lags. I think i -xtset- my timevariable too. To be more precise i did
            xtset Land_num date
            . As i said i have quarterly Data so i have GDP for each nation from 01.01.2020, 01.04.2020 etc
            I just want the to control for the country fixed effects, would it look like this then ?
            xtreg y x1 x2 i.Land_num, fe vce(cluster Land_num)
            Or would it be double if i also cluster for Land_num ?
            Sorry for my questions but i want to make sure if i understand what i am doing


            • #7
              it was translated wrong in my first question, so it is just Land_num and not Country_num.


              • #8
                as you already -xtset- your data with your -panelid-, you should not add it as a predictor in the right-hand side of your regression equation. Conversely, plugging in -i.quarter- makes sense.
                Kind regards,
                (StataNow 18.5)


                • #9
                  hmm sorry but i am confused right now, i want to control for the country fixed effects. So why should i plug -i.quarter- in my equation.
                  As you can see i am very confused. To make things clear, I have quarterly data regarding GDP from different European countries, i.e. panel data. I want to control for the country fixed effects and maybe also cluster.
                  What should the equation look like and how should I -xtset- my data ?

                  Thanks in advance


                  • #10
                    1) it's mandatory that you -xtset- your panel dataset with the -panelid-.
                    In your case:
                    xtset Land_num
                    2) It is not mandatory (but if you do, it does neither help, nor hamper) to add the -timevar- in -xtset-, provided that you do not plan to use time-series related operators, such as lags and leads. That said, eben if you do nit -xtset- your panel dataset with -timevar- too, you can always add ii to your set of predictors in the righ-hand side of your regerssion equation;
                    3) It is mandatory to add -timevar- in -xtset-, if you plan to use time-series related operators, such as lags and leads.

                    In your case, 1) is enough.:
                    xtset Land_num
                    xtreg  y x1 x2 i.quarter, fe vce(cluster Land_num)
                    Kind regards,
                    (StataNow 18.5)


                    • #11
                      Oh okay thanks Carlo. But i still do not know why you would put -i.quarter- in there if i only want country fixed effects ?

                      xtreg y x1 x2, fe vce(cluster Land_num)
                      Is this wrong ?
                      And i do want to use time-series related operators such as lags in the next step, so i should also -xtreg- my -timevar-


                      • #12
                        1) including the -timevar- in the right-hand side of your panel regression equation is a good idea, no matter the way you -xtset- your data. Please note that the -fe- estimator focuses on the within panel variation and -timevar-, when adjusted for the remaining predictors is often informative. In addition, you're not controlling for the -fe-, but you're investigating whether (or not) the evidence of a panel-wise effect (time-varying unobserved heterogeneity; its time-invariant counterpart is wiped out by the -fe- estimator, along with all the other time-invariant variables) comes alive in your dataset.
                        2) your code is correct, but incomplete as far as the T dimnension of your panel is concerned;
                        3) If you want to use time-series related operators such as lags or leads in your regression, -xtset- with -timevar- too is mandatory.
                        Kind regards,
                        (StataNow 18.5)


                        • #13
                          hmm so that is very confusing for me. I guess i will stick with -reghdfe-

                          So to clarify all my questions would be the following code correct if i only want to investigate country specific fixed effects ?

                          xtset Land_num date 
                          reghdfe y x1 x2, absorb(Land_num) vce(cluster Land_num)
                          if not what would the correct code look like ?

                          Thanks in advance


                          • #14
                            your code is correct but my gut-feeling is that you're assigning to the community-contributed module -reghdfe- some extra powers.
                            I do hope that the following tpy-example clarifies the issue (that is, with one fixed effect only, -xtreg,fe- and the community-contributed module -reghdfe- give back almost identical results:
                            . use ""
                            (National Longitudinal Survey of Young Women, 14-24 years old in 1968)
                            . xtset idcode year
                            Panel variable: idcode (unbalanced)
                             Time variable: year, 68 to 88, but with gaps
                                     Delta: 1 unit
                            . xtreg ln_wage i.year c.age##c.age, fe vce(cluster idcode)
                            Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =     28,510
                            Group variable: idcode                          Number of groups  =      4,710
                            R-squared:                                      Obs per group:
                                 Within  = 0.1162                                         min =          1
                                 Between = 0.1078                                         avg =        6.1
                                 Overall = 0.0932                                         max =         15
                                                                            F(16,4709)        =      79.11
                            corr(u_i, Xb) = 0.0613                          Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                                         (Std. err. adjusted for 4,710 clusters in idcode)
                                         |               Robust
                                 ln_wage | Coefficient  std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
                                    year |
                                     69  |   .0647054   .0155249     4.17   0.000     .0342693    .0951415
                                     70  |   .0284423   .0264639     1.07   0.283    -.0234395     .080324
                                     71  |   .0579959   .0384111     1.51   0.131    -.0173078    .1332996
                                     72  |   .0510671   .0502675     1.02   0.310    -.0474808     .149615
                                     73  |   .0424104   .0624924     0.68   0.497    -.0801038    .1649247
                                     75  |   .0151376    .086228     0.18   0.861    -.1539096    .1841848
                                     77  |   .0340933   .1106841     0.31   0.758    -.1828994     .251086
                                     78  |   .0537334   .1232232     0.44   0.663    -.1878417    .2953084
                                     80  |   .0369475   .1473725     0.25   0.802    -.2519716    .3258667
                                     82  |   .0391687   .1715621     0.23   0.819    -.2971733    .3755108
                                     83  |    .058766   .1836086     0.32   0.749    -.3011928    .4187249
                                     85  |   .1042758   .2080199     0.50   0.616    -.3035406    .5120922
                                     87  |   .1242272   .2327328     0.53   0.594    -.3320379    .5804922
                                     88  |   .1904977   .2486083     0.77   0.444    -.2968909    .6778863
                                     age |   .0728746    .013687     5.32   0.000     .0460416    .0997075
                             c.age#c.age |  -.0010113   .0001076    -9.40   0.000    -.0012224   -.0008003
                                   _cons |   .3937532   .2469015     1.59   0.111    -.0902893    .8777957
                                 sigma_u |  .40275174
                                 sigma_e |  .30127563
                                     rho |  .64120306   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                            . reghdfe ln_wage i.year c.age##c.age, abs(idcode)  vce(cluster idcode)
                            (dropped 551 singleton observations)
                            (MWFE estimator converged in 1 iterations)
                            HDFE Linear regression                            Number of obs   =     27,959
                            Absorbing 1 HDFE group                            F(  16,   4158) =      79.11
                            Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity           Prob > F        =     0.0000
                                                                              R-squared       =     0.6593
                                                                              Adj R-squared   =     0.5995
                                                                              Within R-sq.    =     0.1162
                            Number of clusters (idcode)  =      4,159         Root MSE        =     0.3013
                                                         (Std. err. adjusted for 4,159 clusters in idcode)
                                         |               Robust
                                 ln_wage | Coefficient  std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
                                    year |
                                     69  |   .0647054   .0155252     4.17   0.000     .0342677    .0951432
                                     70  |   .0284423   .0264645     1.07   0.283    -.0234422    .0803268
                                     71  |   .0579959   .0384118     1.51   0.131    -.0173118    .1333037
                                     72  |   .0510671   .0502685     1.02   0.310    -.0474861    .1496203
                                     73  |   .0424104   .0624936     0.68   0.497    -.0801104    .1649313
                                     75  |   .0151376   .0862297     0.18   0.861    -.1539187    .1841939
                                     77  |   .0340933   .1106863     0.31   0.758    -.1829111    .2510976
                                     78  |   .0537334   .1232256     0.44   0.663    -.1878546    .2953214
                                     80  |   .0369475   .1473754     0.25   0.802    -.2519871    .3258822
                                     82  |   .0391687   .1715655     0.23   0.819    -.2971914    .3755288
                                     83  |    .058766   .1836122     0.32   0.749    -.3012121    .4187442
                                     85  |   .1042758    .208024     0.50   0.616    -.3035625     .512114
                                     87  |   .1242272   .2327373     0.53   0.594    -.3320624    .5805167
                                     88  |   .1904977   .2486132     0.77   0.444    -.2969171    .6779125
                                     age |   .0728746   .0136873     5.32   0.000     .0460402    .0997089
                             c.age#c.age |  -.0010113   .0001076    -9.39   0.000    -.0012224   -.0008003
                                   _cons |   .3956251   .2469216     1.60   0.109    -.0884733    .8797234
                            Absorbed degrees of freedom:
                             Absorbed FE | Categories  - Redundant  = Num. Coefs |
                                  idcode |      4159        4159           0    *|
                            * = FE nested within cluster; treated as redundant for DoF computation
                            Last edited by Carlo Lazzaro; 03 Apr 2022, 11:49.
                            Kind regards,
                            (StataNow 18.5)


                            • #15
                              okay i see the results are almost the same but why would you also use -i.year- in -reghdfe- ?
                              In your example, which fixed effect did you consider ? Is it the time fixed effect or the i-dcode- fixed effect ?

