I want to do a chow test to see whether the coefficients estimated over one group of the data are equal to the coefficients estimated over another, and I found this user-written command chowtest. However, when I see the help of this command, there's very little information.
I just wonder, in using chowtest, do I need to put control variables in, as well as fixed effects? Or just DV, IV and the group variable? The examples given look like there is a DV (price), an IV (wei), and one control variable (mpg).
I want to do a chow test to see whether the coefficients estimated over one group of the data are equal to the coefficients estimated over another, and I found this user-written command chowtest. However, when I see the help of this command, there's very little information.
Title chowtest -- Chow test for structure break Syntax chowtest varlist [if] [in], group(varname) [ restrict(varlist) het detail ] options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ group(varname) specify the group variable restrict independents which are restriced to have constant coefficients het heteroskedasticy detail display regression result ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ varlist are dependent variable and unrestriced independent variables. Example +-------------------+ ----+ The auto.dta data +----------------------------------------------------------------- . sysuse auto,clear . chowtest price wei mpg, group(foreign) . chowtest price wei mpg, group(foreign) restrict(headroom) . chowtest price wei mpg, group(foreign) het