if you use within estimator and year dummies to control for unobserved entity and time fixed effects, and there are other time-variant variables you are worried about causing omitted variable bias that you have data for, should you include these in your regression, or do you not have to worry about them because you have controlled for entity and time fixed effects? ie. are the year dummies accounting solely for unobserved time-variant effects so that I would need to add other variables into my regression that I have data for if i am worried about them causing omitted variables bias - so that both observable and unobservable time-variant effects are accounted for?
see when I try to include another independent variable which I believe could be a source of omitted variables bias to my regression that already controls for time and entity fixed effects , stata removes two of my year dummies due to colinearity. I am not sure why this is.
see when I try to include another independent variable which I believe could be a source of omitted variables bias to my regression that already controls for time and entity fixed effects , stata removes two of my year dummies due to colinearity. I am not sure why this is.