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  • Using coefplot command for outcomes balance table


    I am trying to generate an outcomes coefficient plot to demonstrate balance across outcomes at baseline using the coefplot command, but I seem to be running into some issues. I'm running several regressions with only two independent variables in each, and want to graph the independent variables on the y-axis with the different dependent variables stacked in-line with their appropriate independent variables.

    I've included sample code below. The issue is that I want the mpg and foreign variables on the same plot but overlayed, and want the legend labels to appear on the y-axis instead.

     sysuse auto.dta, clear
    egen price_std=std(price)
    egen weight_std=std(weight)
    egen length_std=std(length)
    reg price_std mpg foreign
    est store price
    reg weight_std mpg foreign
    est store weight
    reg length_std mpg foreign
    est store length
    coefplot price weight length, drop(_cons) xline(0) coeflabel(price="price" weight="weight" length="length") bycoef legend(off)

    I've also attached a working paper I found online below with an example that mimics I want to produce (See Figure 3 on page 42). Source:
    Attached Files

  • #2
    coefplot is from SSC (FAQ Advice #12). Thanks for the reproducible example. Would be easier to include the y-axis labels as marker labels, but here is a way manually calculating the offsets.

    sysuse auto.dta, clear
    egen price_std=std(price)
    egen weight_std=std(weight)
    egen length_std=std(length)
    reg price_std mpg foreign
    est store price
    reg weight_std mpg foreign
    est store weight
    reg length_std mpg foreign
    est store length
    set scheme s1color
    coefplot (price) (weight) (length), drop(_cons) xline(0) ///
    ylabel(0.75 "price" 1 "weight" 1.25 "length" 1.75 "price" ///
    2 "weight" 2.25 "length", notick) nokey text(1 -1.35 ///
    "Outcome 1", orientation(vertical)) text(2 -1.35 ///
    "Outcome 2", orientation(vertical)) ysc(outergap(5))

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	1657590


    • #3
      Hi Andrew,

      Thank you so much for that, that's a huge help!

