*they are associated
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recode preference (1 = 1 "Other") (2 = 2 "Program for matching an autistic person with a non-autistic peer") (3 = 3 "Program for matching autistic peers with each other") (4 = 4 "Behavior training in groups") (5 = 5 "Behavior training, for an individual") (6 = 6 "Family relations support and counseling") (7 = 7 "Free time activities") (8 = 8 "Support groups, in person") (9 = 9 "Support group, on-line") (10 = 10 "Life skills training") (11 = 11 "Adult satisfied") , pre(new) label(newrep)
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input long(group preference) int _freq 1 1 115 2 1 25 3 1 38 1 2 51 2 2 19 3 2 29 4 2 23 1 3 9 2 3 16 3 3 5 4 3 12 1 4 31 2 4 12 3 4 9 4 4 14 1 5 34 2 5 20 3 5 30 4 5 23 1 7 45 2 7 37 3 7 47 4 7 60 1 8 34 2 8 11 3 8 9 4 8 12 1 9 36 2 9 37 3 9 26 4 9 13 1 10 49 2 10 19 3 10 12 4 10 10 1 11 31 2 11 8 3 11 1 4 11 14 1 12 9 2 12 3 4 12 5 end label values group group label def group 1 "Autistic adult", modify label def group 2 "High", modify label def group 3 "Low", modify label def group 4 "Professional", modify label values preference preference label def preference 1 "Adult satisfied", modify label def preference 2 "Behavior training, for an individual", modify label def preference 3 "Behavior training, in groups", modify label def preference 4 "Family relation support and counseling", modify label def preference 5 "Free time activities", modify label def preference 7 "Life skills training", modify label def preference 8 "Other", modify label def preference 9 "Program for matching an autistic person with a-non autistic peer", modify label def preference 10 "Program for matching autistic peers with each other", modify label def preference 11 "Support groups in person", modify label def preference 12 "Support groups, on line", modify **# Bookmark #1 recode preference (1=1 "Adult satisfied") (7=2 "Life skills training") (12=3 "Support group, on-line") (11=4 "Support groups, in person") (5=5 "Free time activities") (4=6 "Family relations support and counseling") (2=7 "Behavior training, for an individual") (3=8 "Behavior training in groups") (10=9 "Program for matching autistic peers with each other") (9=10 "Program for matching an autistic person with a non-autistic peer") (8=11 "Other") , gen(PREFERENCE) label var PREFERENCE preference spineplot PREFERENCE group [fw=_freq], legend(size(tiny)) xtitle(" ") xlabel("") /// percent ylab(0(10)100, labsize(tiny) axis(2)) /// xlab(, labsize(vsmall) axis(2)) name(third, replace) /// bar1(bcolor(cyan)) bar2(bcolor(mint)) /// bar3(bcolor(lime)) bar4(bcolor(midgreen)) bar5(bcolor(dkgreen)) /// bar6(bcolor(red)) bar7(bcolor(orange)) bar8(bcolor(yellow)) /// bar9(bcolor(pink)) bar10(bcolor(cranberry)) bar11(bcolor(purple))
label define order1 1 "Adult satisfied" 2 "Life skills training" 3 "Support groups, on-line" /// 4 "Support groups, in person" 5 "Free time activities" 6 "Family relations support and counseling" /// 7 "Behavior training, for an individual" 8 "Behavior training, in groups" /// 9 "Program for matching autistic peers with each other" /// 10 "Program for matching an autistic person with a non-autistic peer" 11 "Other" encode Preference, gen(preference_ord) label(order1) encode Group, gen(group)