I want horizontal lines separating my the levels of my first dimension. I can almost obtain this using by adding the option "spacer" . But spacer gives me blank lines instead of borders between the groups:
0 1 2 3
Repair record 1978 1 Car origin Domestic 1.75
2 Car origin Domestic 3.25 3 4
3 Car origin Domestic 3.142857 3.5 2.7 3.357143
3 Foreign 3 2.5 2.5
4 Car origin Domestic 3 2.75 3.625 4
4 Foreign 3.5 2.75 2 2.375
5 Car origin Domestic 2 2.5
5 Foreign 2.75 2 2.625 2.75
but I want borders not lines separating the levels of my first dimension
sysuse auto, clear egen price_n4=cut(price), group(4) table (rep78 foreign) (price_n4), stat(mean headroom) nototals collect style row split, delimiter(`" # "') atdelimiter(`" @ "') bardelimiter(`" | "') binder(`"="') dups(first) position(left) span spacer collect preview
0 1 2 3
Repair record 1978 1 Car origin Domestic 1.75
2 Car origin Domestic 3.25 3 4
3 Car origin Domestic 3.142857 3.5 2.7 3.357143
3 Foreign 3 2.5 2.5
4 Car origin Domestic 3 2.75 3.625 4
4 Foreign 3.5 2.75 2 2.375
5 Car origin Domestic 2 2.5
5 Foreign 2.75 2 2.625 2.75
but I want borders not lines separating the levels of my first dimension