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    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input float(fundnr month year mktrf smb hml mom mf_u_mnret) double cum_excess_return_prior_year float decile
    1  7 2011 -2.36 -1.31 -1.23   .09         -6                   . .
    1  8 2011 -5.99 -3.06 -2.44  -.33   -5.96745                   . .
    1  9 2011 -7.59 -3.48 -1.46 -2.57  -11.31222                   . .
    1 10 2011 11.35  3.41  -.17 -1.43  11.840167                   . .
    1 11 2011  -.28  -.17  -.35  3.99 -1.3491888                   . .
    1 12 2011   .74  -.71  1.74  1.93   .4632918                   . .
    1  1 2012  5.05  2.15 -1.09 -7.92  2.5078635 -2.0542334417502084 1
    1  2 2012  4.42 -1.75   .09  -.31   2.922143 -2.0542334417502084 1
    1  3 2012  3.11  -.61   .87  1.51   3.088548 -2.0542334417502084 1
    1  4 2012  -.85  -.52  -.47  3.83    1.48305 -2.0542334417502084 1
    1  5 2012 -6.19   .02  -.62  6.62 -4.1853704 -2.0542334417502084 1
    1  6 2012  3.89   .77   .44 -1.13    3.48584 -2.0542334417502084 1
    1  7 2012   .79 -2.58  -.25  3.13    -.21053 -2.0542334417502084 1
    1  8 2012  2.55   .41  1.28 -2.48      .7284 -2.0542334417502084 1
    1  9 2012  2.73    .5  1.52 -1.02  2.2660294 -2.0542334417502084 1
    1 10 2012 -1.76 -1.14  3.79   .09   -.931438 -2.0542334417502084 1
    1 11 2012   .78   .59  -.96   .38   1.436699 -2.0542334417502084 1
    1 12 2012  1.18  1.47  3.55 -2.94   .5022256 -2.0542334417502084 1
    1  1 2013  5.57   .39   .92 -1.86   5.196007  1.0911216922104359 4
    1  2 2013  1.29  -.45     0   1.3   .8044029  1.0911216922104359 4
    1  3 2013  4.03   .79  -.26  1.95  4.1279926  1.0911216922104359 4
    1  4 2013  1.55 -2.44   .59   .24  2.4800675  1.0911216922104359 4
    1  5 2013   2.8  1.67  2.55 -1.81  1.9914284  1.0911216922104359 4
    1  6 2013  -1.2  1.22  -.19    .6  -2.662564  1.0911216922104359 4
    1  7 2013  5.65  1.86   .55  1.72   5.379548  1.0911216922104359 4
    1  8 2013 -2.71    .3 -2.78   .03  -3.460949  1.0911216922104359 4
    1  9 2013  3.77  2.94 -1.18  3.01  4.4599648  1.0911216922104359 4
    1 10 2013  4.18 -1.49  1.15   .16   4.118799  1.0911216922104359 4
    1 11 2013  3.12  1.24   .24   .41  1.3186208  1.0911216922104359 4
    1 12 2013  2.81   -.5   -.3   .07  2.9396176  1.0911216922104359 4
    1  1 2014 -3.32   .87 -2.08   1.7   -3.32604  2.2244112888971963 2
    1  2 2014  4.65   .33  -.39  2.07  4.2795906  2.2244112888971963 2
    1  3 2014   .43 -1.89  5.09 -3.31   -2.73598  2.2244112888971963 2
    1  4 2014  -.19 -4.25  1.14 -3.87 -1.5979946  2.2244112888971963 2
    1  5 2014  2.06 -1.83  -.26  1.14   2.438273  2.2244112888971963 2
    1  6 2014  2.61  3.06  -.74    .7  2.0519252  2.2244112888971963 2
    1  7 2014 -2.04 -4.23   .01  -.24  -.4278609  2.2244112888971963 2
    1  8 2014  4.24   .37  -.57   .81   5.492631  2.2244112888971963 2
    1  9 2014 -1.97 -3.82 -1.22   .51  -2.679913  2.2244112888971963 2
    1 10 2014  2.52  4.23 -1.69   .02    2.88534  2.2244112888971963 2
    1 11 2014  2.55 -2.06 -2.99  1.03  2.1411743  2.2244112888971963 2
    1 12 2014  -.06  2.54  2.07  1.08  -.7996011  2.2244112888971963 2
    1  1 2015 -3.11  -.57 -3.47  3.86  -2.498645   .6434620469808578 4
    1  2 2015  6.13   .53 -1.77 -2.86   5.210761   .6434620469808578 4
    1  3 2015 -1.12  3.05  -.45  2.97  -1.489463   .6434620469808578 4
    1  4 2015   .59 -2.97  1.85 -7.37  .02187492   .6434620469808578 4
    2  8 2011 -5.99 -3.06 -2.44  -.33   -9.45162                   . .
    2  9 2011 -7.59 -3.48 -1.46 -2.57   -8.07175                   . .
    2 10 2011 11.35  3.41  -.17 -1.43   12.21446                   . .
    2 11 2011  -.28  -.17  -.35  3.99   -3.03359                   . .
    2 12 2011   .74  -.71  1.74  1.93 -.38230005                   . .
    2  1 2012  5.05  2.15 -1.09 -7.92    6.62177 -1.7449600994586945 1
    2  2 2012  4.42 -1.75   .09  -.31    4.84211 -1.7449600994586945 1
    2  3 2012  3.11  -.61   .87  1.51    3.41365 -1.7449600994586945 1
    2  4 2012  -.85  -.52  -.47  3.83    -.87379 -1.7449600994586945 1
    2  5 2012 -6.19   .02  -.62  6.62  -7.649571 -1.7449600994586945 1
    2  6 2012  3.89   .77   .44 -1.13    1.59067 -1.7449600994586945 1
    2  7 2012   .79 -2.58  -.25  3.13     .93946 -1.7449600994586945 1
    2  8 2012  2.55   .41  1.28 -2.48  4.5401597 -1.7449600994586945 1
    2  9 2012  2.73    .5  1.52 -1.02  3.3529575 -1.7449600994586945 1
    2 10 2012 -1.76 -1.14  3.79   .09   -3.45493 -1.7449600994586945 1
    2 11 2012   .78   .59  -.96   .38  1.8729877 -1.7449600994586945 1
    2 12 2012  1.18  1.47  3.55 -2.94  1.3395475 -1.7449600994586945 1
    2  1 2013  5.57   .39   .92 -1.86   6.116453  1.3779184420903523 8
    2  2 2013  1.29  -.45     0   1.3   .5488696  1.3779184420903523 8
    2  3 2013  4.03   .79  -.26  1.95   2.638819  1.3779184420903523 8
    2  4 2013  1.55 -2.44   .59   .24   .6204902  1.3779184420903523 8
    2  5 2013   2.8  1.67  2.55 -1.81   3.436172  1.3779184420903523 8
    2  6 2013  -1.2  1.22  -.19    .6 -1.9591722  1.3779184420903523 8
    2  7 2013  5.65  1.86   .55  1.72    5.99483  1.3779184420903523 8
    2  8 2013 -2.71    .3 -2.78   .03  -.9836019  1.3779184420903523 8
    2  9 2013  3.77  2.94 -1.18  3.01   4.884068  1.3779184420903523 8
    2 10 2013  4.18 -1.49  1.15   .16  4.1830773  1.3779184420903523 8
    2 11 2013  3.12  1.24   .24   .41   3.030184  1.3779184420903523 8
    2 12 2013  2.81   -.5   -.3   .07   3.427718  1.3779184420903523 8
    2  1 2014 -3.32   .87 -2.08   1.7  -2.562135  2.6614922682444253 7
    2  2 2014  4.65   .33  -.39  2.07    5.49103  2.6614922682444253 7
    2  3 2014   .43 -1.89  5.09 -3.31 -1.9795718  2.6614922682444253 7
    2  4 2014  -.19 -4.25  1.14 -3.87  -.7477948  2.6614922682444253 7
    2  5 2014  2.06 -1.83  -.26  1.14   3.089635  2.6614922682444253 7
    2  6 2014  2.61  3.06  -.74    .7  2.1929486  2.6614922682444253 7
    2  7 2014 -2.04 -4.23   .01  -.24 -1.4307023  2.6614922682444253 7
    2  8 2014  4.24   .37  -.57   .81  3.7009826  2.6614922682444253 7
    2  9 2014 -1.97 -3.82 -1.22   .51 -1.3996656  2.6614922682444253 7
    2 10 2014  2.52  4.23 -1.69   .02  2.8388646  2.6614922682444253 7
    2 11 2014  2.55 -2.06 -2.99  1.03  3.1056645  2.6614922682444253 7
    2 12 2014  -.06  2.54  2.07  1.08  -.9094238  2.6614922682444253 7
    2  1 2015 -3.11  -.57 -3.47  3.86  -2.934771   .9491526633501053 8
    2  2 2015  6.13   .53 -1.77 -2.86   7.105071   .9491526633501053 8
    2  3 2015 -1.12  3.05  -.45  2.97  -1.199782   .9491526633501053 8
    2  4 2015   .59 -2.97  1.85 -7.37   -.428566   .9491526633501053 8
    2  5 2015  1.36   .94 -1.33  5.97   1.362967   .9491526633501053 8
    2  6 2015 -1.53  2.81  -.81   3.1  -1.203177   .9491526633501053 8
    2  7 2015  1.54 -4.15 -4.14 10.29    3.58163   .9491526633501053 8
    2  8 2015 -6.04   .49  2.69 -2.08  -6.224092   .9491526633501053 8
    2  9 2015 -3.08 -2.64   .53  5.31  -5.088461   .9491526633501053 8
    2 10 2015  7.75 -1.98  -.09 -3.94   8.546943   .9491526633501053 8
    2 11 2015   .56  3.64  -.51  2.27    1.36005   .9491526633501053 8
    2 12 2015 -2.17 -2.81 -2.57  3.42  -1.208936   .9491526633501053 8
    2  1 2016 -5.77 -3.39   2.1  1.43  -6.865881   .3057396163543065 9
    My goal is to form portfolios in each year on January based on the one past year return. As you can see Ive already done that, but now I have to calculate the excess return (mf_u_mnret) on each decile over the years.
    I am trying to replicate a data with following information:
    funds are sorted on January 1 each year from 1990 to 2018 into decile portfolios based on their previous calendar year's return. The portfolios are equally weighted monthly so the weights are readjusted whenever a fund disappears. Funds with the highest past one-year return comprise decile 1 and funds with the lowest comprise decile 10. Deciles 1 and 10 are further subdivided into thirds on the same measure.
    The result should look like this:
    Next to these deciles there should be the monthly excess return.
    Ive tried using 'tabstat mf_u_mnret , by(decile) s(n sum mean sd)' which results in the means of the monthly excess returns over the deciles.

    Summary for variables: mf_u_mnret
    Group variable: decile

    decile | N Sum Mean SD
    1 | 51928 28923.04 .5569835 4.925831
    2 | 52797 30872.3 .5847358 4.646036
    3 | 53078 30509 .5747956 4.561271
    4 | 53001 30332.06 .5722921 4.526425
    5 | 52902 29703.88 .5614889 4.532059
    6 | 53088 31531.74 .5939523 4.554174
    7 | 52945 31397.86 .5930279 4.633395
    8 | 52904 33611.45 .6353291 4.718085
    9 | 52849 33557.83 .6349757 4.905058
    10 | 51686 32406.69 .6269916 5.204433
    Total | 527178 312845.8 .5934349 4.723781
    Is there perhaps an error with my code, resulting in the means of the deciles being so close to one another?
    I also have problems in identifying 1A-C and 10A-C.

  • #2
    See for some context

