Dear all!
I am running a heckprob model, with the mi: estimate command with the cmdok option:
Which produces the following results:
However, no Wald test is reported for the finished output; this is only reported on each M regression. What is the best option here? Is there any way to report a Wald test for the final output, or should I just compare the Wald test for each of the imputed datasets/ rely on the rho only?
All suggestions are appreciated!
I am running a heckprob model, with the mi: estimate command with the cmdok option:
mi estimate, cmdok: heckprobit nonviolent_success lagfpe lagpolyarchy lnlaggdp lnlagpop lnlagmilper i.region lagtimesv lagtimesv2 lagtimesv3 lagtimesnv lagtimesnv2 lagtimesnv3 coldwar, select(nonongoing=lagfpe lagpolyarchy lnlaggdp lnlagpop lnlagmilper i.region lagtimesv lagtimesv2 lagtimesv3 lagtimesnv lagtimesnv2 lagtimesnv3 coldwar lagelection) vce(cluster country_name)
Multiple-imputation estimates Imputations = 10 Probit model with sample selection Number of obs = 11,973 Average RVI = 0.2167 Largest FMI = 0.4430 DF: min = 50.67 avg = 10,593.00 DF adjustment: Large sample max = 178,342.58 F( 16, .) = . Within VCE type: Robust Prob > F = . (Within VCE adjusted for 195 clusters in country_name) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] ----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- violent_success | lagfpe | -.792135 .470048 -1.69 0.092 -1.713801 .1295309 lagpolyarchy | .1639627 .3715389 0.44 0.661 -.58205 .9099753 lnlaggdp | -.1644244 .071781 -2.29 0.025 -.3073087 -.02154 lnlagpop | -.144808 .1143908 -1.27 0.207 -.3705178 .0809018 lnlagmilper | .1246189 .082104 1.52 0.130 -.0366877 .2859256 | region | Americas | .4410626 .2548345 1.73 0.084 -.0584481 .9405733 Asia | -.1329461 .1615759 -0.82 0.411 -.4497744 .1838822 Europe | -.1340773 .3896208 -0.34 0.731 -.8978504 .6296959 Oceania | .5885227 .822563 0.72 0.474 -1.023821 2.200867 | lagtimesv | .1544413 .1543353 1.00 0.317 -.1483351 .4572176 lagtimesv2 | -.0057165 .005885 -0.97 0.331 -.0172572 .0058242 lagtimesv3 | .0000654 .0000632 1.04 0.301 -.0000585 .0001894 lagtimesnv | -.0090928 .0162873 -0.56 0.577 -.0410298 .0228442 lagtimesnv2 | .0001368 .0003064 0.45 0.655 -.000465 .0007385 lagtimesnv3 | -1.16e-06 1.70e-06 -0.68 0.498 -4.52e-06 2.21e-06 coldwar | -.5870651 .1419212 -4.14 0.000 -.8653189 -.3088113 _cons | 4.443759 1.877056 2.37 0.020 .7269174 8.160602 ----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- vongoing | lagfpe | -.1599916 .2543776 -0.63 0.529 -.6588976 .3389143 lagpolyarchy | -.0677608 .131671 -0.51 0.607 -.3261963 .1906747 lnlaggdp | .0064057 .0306551 0.21 0.835 -.0540294 .0668408 lnlagpop | .2379262 .0434689 5.47 0.000 .1523928 .3234595 lnlagmilper | -.108601 .0426838 -2.54 0.012 -.1929865 -.0242155 | region | Americas | -.1054436 .1397666 -0.75 0.451 -.3793829 .1684957 Asia | .1732049 .1042689 1.66 0.097 -.0311775 .3775873 Europe | -.1549118 .1630714 -0.95 0.342 -.4745931 .1647695 Oceania | -.3968091 .3216496 -1.23 0.217 -1.027238 .2336195 | lagtimesv | -.4439047 .0209216 -21.22 0.000 -.4850612 -.4027482 lagtimesv2 | .015747 .0010678 14.75 0.000 .0136345 .0178595 lagtimesv3 | -.0001607 .0000149 -10.80 0.000 -.0001902 -.0001311 lagtimesnv | .0283246 .0066913 4.23 0.000 .0151758 .0414735 lagtimesnv2 | -.0002824 .0001476 -1.91 0.057 -.0005738 9.09e-06 lagtimesnv3 | 1.15e-06 8.00e-07 1.44 0.154 -4.41e-07 2.74e-06 coldwar | .4390622 .0854265 5.14 0.000 .2715571 .6065673 lagelection | .0455585 .0636749 0.72 0.474 -.079255 .1703719 _cons | -3.481097 .6556771 -5.31 0.000 -4.776122 -2.186072 ----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- /athrho | -.355242 .4811313 -0.74 0.461 -1.299587 .5891031 ----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- rho | -.3410162 .4251796 -.8616169 .5292503
All suggestions are appreciated!