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  • Putexcel loop for one-way tabulation

    I have been trying to obtain some descriptive statistics for my project, using one-way tabulations. To save time, I would want to export the results from Stata to excel automatically by using Putexcel loops. However, I am new to Stata, and have no idea how I could do so.

    Here is an example of a Putexcel loop I have been trying to run (but in vain):

    local workattitude "workattitude_1 workattitude_2 workattitude_3"
    putexcel set "Section4_Workattitude_Tab", replace
    quietly foreach var in `workattitude' {
    tabulate `var' if survey_string == "2f", matcell(results)
    putexcel set "Section4_Workattitude_Tab", sheet ("`var'") modify
    putexcel A1=("Category") B1=("Freq") C1=("Percent")
    putexcel A2=`r(names)'
    putexcel B2=`r(freq)'
    putexcel C2=`r(freq/r(N))'

    My goal is to:
    • Export the category names, frequencies and percentages into different columns.
    • Create column titles in the first row
    • Export the table from tabulation for each variable into a separate spreadsheet in the same excel file
    A number of errors have come up. Most recently, the errors "B2 not found" and "nothing found where expression expected" keep popping up no matter what I do. I doubt if these are the only issues with my commands though.

    Could someone kindly help fix the problems, please?

    Millions of thanks in advance!

  • #2
    A subsequent topic addressed alternative approaches to using putexcel.


    • #3
      Thanks for that!

      But could anyone kindly advise me on the problems with my putexcel codes?

      Very much appreciated!


      • #4
        Try the following codes. Note the excel file extension ".xlsx" which is of newer extension. I have seen in your another post #3 using ".xls" extension which is from Office 1997-2003. If that is the version of Office you are using, then correct the extension with ".xls" in the code below. -putexcel- supports both versions of Office.

        AND please from next time provide data example using -dataex- and use code delimiters (READ the FAQ section).

        local workattitude "workattitude_1 workattitude_2 workattitude_3"
        quietly foreach var in `workattitude' {
            loc row = 2
            putexcel set "Section4_Workattitude_Tab.xlsx", sheet ("`var'") modify
                tab `var' if survey_string == "2f", matcell(freq) matrow(rname)
                loc rows = rowsof(rname)
                    forval i = 1/`rows' {
                        loc val = rname[`i', 1]
                        loc val_lab = lab (`var') `val'
                        loc rfreq = freq[`i', 1]
                        loc total = r(N)
                        loc percent : di %4.2f (`rfreq'/`total')*100
                        putexcel A1=("Category") B1=("Levles") C1=("Freq") D1=("Percent")
                        putexcel A`row' = "`:var lab `var''"
                        putexcel B`row' = "`val_lab'"
                        putexcel C`row' = `rfreq'
                        putexcel D`row' = `percent'
                        loc ++row
        Last edited by Roman Mostazir; 01 Apr 2022, 08:21.


        • #5
          Millions of thanks, Sir!

          That helps!

