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  • One-to-One Merge in Stata (Bootstraps)

    Hi All,

    very inexperienced Stata-user here. I have a survey with 8 different waves of data. The waves have all been appended into a single file by my colleague. I have been asked to re-run some analyses using bootstrap weights, however, the bootstrap weights are in separate files (one for each of the waves). I am looking for any guidance on how I can bring the bootstrap weights into the appended file so that I can use them for my analyses. I see the merge 1:1 command, however, my understanding is that this is for variables that are common in both datasets. Given that the bootstrap weights are not in either yet, I'm unsure how to proceed. Any advice would be great.


  • #2
    Use the dataex command to give an example of two files your colleague has made, and when I leave my bed in.... 7ish hours, I will see what's what if nobody on the other side of the world/a vampire hasn't helped you by then.

    Welcome to Statalist, if nobody's said so yet.


    • #3
      Thanks Jared!

