I am carrying out staggered diff in diff regressions, looking at how legalization of cannabis has affected different variables, one of which being state expenditure. I also have another treated group, which are states which sell cannabis from retail shops. At the moment, I am running separate regressions for each treatment, however I am wondering if it would be possible to add both treatments into one regression. Since all states which retail sell cannabis have to have legalised in the past, these two treatments are very closely related; I know that in normal regression having controls which are linked to the independent variable are not good. However, i was wondering if this was different for staggered diff in diff.
At the moment, I am wondering which regression would be the correct one to use:
1) xtreg TotExpend i.legalizedtreated i.activelegalized i.Year, fe cluster(States)
2) xtreg TotExpend i.legalizedtreated i.activelegalized i.salestreated i.activesales i.Year, fe cluster(States)
, where I have two treatments (sales and legalized), and am looking to estimate their relationship with my dependent variable (TotExpend). 'legalizedtreated' is the dummy which switches to 1 for every treated state at any period, and 0 for all control states. 'activelegalized' is the dummy which only switches to 1 for treated states in their post-treatment years, and 0 for all else.
In 2), I have used both treatments in the same regression.
Please let me know if running something like 2) would be feasible, and don't hesitate to tell me if i need to provide any more info. Many thanks, Santy!
At the moment, I am wondering which regression would be the correct one to use:
1) xtreg TotExpend i.legalizedtreated i.activelegalized i.Year, fe cluster(States)
2) xtreg TotExpend i.legalizedtreated i.activelegalized i.salestreated i.activesales i.Year, fe cluster(States)
, where I have two treatments (sales and legalized), and am looking to estimate their relationship with my dependent variable (TotExpend). 'legalizedtreated' is the dummy which switches to 1 for every treated state at any period, and 0 for all control states. 'activelegalized' is the dummy which only switches to 1 for treated states in their post-treatment years, and 0 for all else.
In 2), I have used both treatments in the same regression.
Please let me know if running something like 2) would be feasible, and don't hesitate to tell me if i need to provide any more info. Many thanks, Santy!