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  • Problem with esttab


    I'm having a problem with esttab. I am using Stata 17.0 SE - Standard Edition for Mac.

    I am trying to export a summary statistics table from Stata to LaTex. I am following this article as a guide: since this is my first time exporting from Stata to LaTex. I started following this article's code starting from the section labeled “Tables” where they go through an example that I am applying to my own dataset. This is the code I am running:

    ssc install estout, replace
    which estout  
    which esttab
    est clear  // clear the est locals
    estpost tabstat totalchildrenborn numbirthbefore25 before25conditional before16 before18 yrseduc sevenplus_edu born1982_89 born1976_81 born1970_75 born1964_69 born1958_63 born1952_57 born1946_51 muslim christian_2a otherreligion_2a hausa yoruba igbo otherethnicity lowintensity highintensity, c(stat) stat(sum mean sd min max n)
    ereturn list
    esttab, ///
     cells("sum(fmt(%13.0fc)) mean(fmt(%13.2fc)) sd(fmt(%13.2fc)) min max count") nonumber ///
      nomtitle nonote noobs label collabels("Sum" "Mean" "SD" "Min" "Max" "N")

    I am having an issue on the last row where esttab is used. In the table returned, numbers only appear in the “N” column. The other 5 columns are empty.

    I understand the importance of saving output in the e-class local so estout can pick this up. But, I do not understand why 5 columns of my summary statistics table do not show up after running the esttab portion of this code, considering the estpost tabstat line returned a table that was fully filled out with e(Sum), e(Mean), e(SD), etc as the column headers. I have copied the output from Stata at the end of this post, in order to make this clear.

    I am also wondering what the purpose of the code c(stat) is in the estpost tabstat line?

    I would greatly appreciate any advice on where I am going wrong and how to fix this issue.

    Thank you,

     *Export Summary statistics to LaTex 
    . ssc install estout, replace
    checking estout consistency and verifying not already installed...
    all files already exist and are up to date.
    . which estout  
    /Users/elainetantalo/Library/Application Support/Stata/ado/plus/e/estout.ado
    *! version 3.30  25mar2022  Ben Jann
    . which esttab
    /Users/elainetantalo/Library/Application Support/Stata/ado/plus/e/esttab.ado
    *! version 2.1.0  19may2021  Ben Jann
    *! wrapper for estout
    . est clear  // clear the est locals
    . estpost tabstat totalchildrenborn numbirthbefore25 before25conditional before16 before18 yrseduc sevenplus_edu b
    > orn1982_89 born1976_81 born1970_75 born1964_69 born1958_63 born1952_57 born1946_51 muslim christian_2a otherreli
    > gion_2a hausa yoruba igbo otherethnicity lowintensity highintensity, c(stat) stat(sum mean sd min max n)
    Summary statistics: Sum Mean SD Min Max count
         for variables: totalchildrenborn numbirthbefore25 before25conditional before16 before18 yrseduc sevenplus_edu
    >  born1982_89 born1976_81 born1970_75 born1964_69 born1958_63 born1952_57 born1946_51 muslim christian_2a otherre
    > ligion_2a hausa yoruba igbo otherethnicity lowintensity highintensity
                 |    e(Sum)    e(Mean)      e(SD)     e(Min)     e(Max)   e(count) 
    totalchild~n |     23277   2.372783   2.845348          0         15       9810 
    numbirthb~25 |     11506   2.349602   1.811111          0         10       4897 
    before25co~l |     11506   2.938953   1.539665          1         10       3915 
        before16 |      1351   .1377166   .3446199          0          1       9810 
        before18 |      2343   .2388379   .4263952          0          1       9810 
         yrseduc |     48734    4.98048   4.795504          0         19       9785 
    sevenplus_~u |      3321   .3385321   .4732346          0          1       9810 
     born1982_89 |      2517   .2565749    .436765          0          1       9810 
     born1976_81 |      2056   .2095821   .4070311          0          1       9810 
     born1970_75 |      1758   .1792049   .3835433          0          1       9810 
     born1964_69 |      1446   .1474006   .3545229          0          1       9810 
     born1958_63 |      1183   .1205912   .3256682          0          1       9810 
     born1952_57 |       643   .0655454   .2474983          0          1       9810 
     born1946_51 |       207   .0211009   .1437281          0          1       9810 
          muslim |      4293   .4376147   .4961181          0          1       9810 
    christian_2a |      5322   .5425076   .4982152          0          1       9810 
    otherreli~2a |       161   .0164118   .1270595          0          1       9810 
           hausa |      1888   .1924567   .3942499          0          1       9810 
          yoruba |      1872   .1908257    .392972          0          1       9810 
            igbo |      1556   .1586137   .3653341          0          1       9810 
    otherethni~y |      4494    .458104    .498267          0          1       9810 
    lowintensity |      1761   .1800429   .3842429          0          1       9781 
    highintens~y |      8020   .8199571   .3842429          0          1       9781 
    . ereturn list
                      e(N) =  9810
                    e(cmd) : "estpost"
                 e(subcmd) : "tabstat"
                  e(stats) : "Sum Mean SD Min Max count"
                   e(vars) : "totalchildrenborn numbirthbefore25 before25conditional before16 before18 yrseduc sev.."
                    e(Sum) :  1 x 23
                   e(Mean) :  1 x 23
                     e(SD) :  1 x 23
                    e(Min) :  1 x 23
                    e(Max) :  1 x 23
                  e(count) :  1 x 23
    . esttab, ///
    >  cells("sum(fmt(%13.0fc)) mean(fmt(%13.2fc)) sd(fmt(%13.2fc)) min max count") nonumber ///
    >   nomtitle nonote noobs label collabels("Sum" "Mean" "SD" "Min" "Max" "N")
                                  Sum         Mean           SD          Min          Max            N
    total children eve~n                                                                         9,810
    numbirthbefore25                                                                             4,897
    before25conditional                                                                          3,915
    before16                                                                                     9,810
    before18                                                                                     9,810
    education in singl~s                                                                         9,785
    sevenplus_edu                                                                                9,810
    born1982_89                                                                                  9,810
    born1976_81                                                                                  9,810
    born1970_75                                                                                  9,810
    born1964_69                                                                                  9,810
    born1958_63                                                                                  9,810
    born1952_57                                                                                  9,810
    born1946_51                                                                                  9,810
    muslim                                                                                       9,810
    christian_2a                                                                                 9,810
    otherreligion_2a                                                                             9,810
    hausa                                                                                        9,810
    yoruba                                                                                       9,810
    igbo                                                                                         9,810
    otherethnicity                                                                               9,810
    lowintensity                                                                                 9,781
    highintensity                                                                                9,781

  • #2
    The specification is case-sensitive.

    e(stats) : "Sum Mean SD Min Max count"

    esttab, ///
        cells("Sum(fmt(%13.0fc)) Mean(fmt(%13.2fc)) SD(fmt(%13.2fc)) Min Max count") nonumber ///
            nomtitle nonote noobs label collabels("Sum" "Mean" "SD" "Min" "Max" "N")
    Last edited by Andrew Musau; 29 Mar 2022, 15:28.


    • #3
      This fixed it, thank you very much Andrew.

