I currently have Stata 17.0. I have the following code:
use "C:\Users\bruno\OneDrive\Documents\Trabajo\Robin\Crises Etats Unis.dta", replace generate annee = tq(1947q1) + _n-1 format annee %tq tsset annee gen CycleEEUU = Interet/Profit tsline CycleEEUU, yline(.3595736), graph save "C:\Users\bruno\OneDrive\Documents\Trabajo\Robin\graph_CycleEEUU", replace gen CycleEEUU2 = KFixe/Profit tsline CycleEEUU2, yline(1.480631), graph save "C:\Users\bruno\OneDrive\Documents\Trabajo\Robin\graph_CycleEEUU2", replace gen W_P = Salaire/Profit tsline W_P, yline(7.680219), graph save "C:\Users\bruno\OneDrive\Documents\Trabajo\Robin\graph_W_P", replace gen TGG = ((Profit+Interet+Impots_Production)/(Salaire+(CoutsNonSalariaux-Impots_Production-Interet))) tsline TGG, yline(.3437265), graph save "C:\Users\bruno\OneDrive\Documents\Trabajo\Robin\graph_TGG", replace gen TasaGralG = ((Valeur-(Salaire+KFixe))/(Salaire+KFixe)) tsline TasaGralG, yline(.3436966), graph save "C:\Users\bruno\OneDrive\Documents\Trabajo\Robin\graph_TasaGralG", replace
As the commands are executed line by line, the graphs open and then immediately are closed as the next one is produced. At the end of the code, only the last graph is shown.
I'm wondering how do I tell Stata to keep each graph produced open, and to tell subsequent ones to open in the same windows. The effect desired is to have all these graphs in one window.
I do not wish to merge them, just to make them appear in different tabs in the same window for the sake of convenience.
Thank you kindly Stata community.