I have data from an activity measurement device. Participants have worn this for seven days (but several individuals removed it after a couple of days, so there are missing data). I have one variable per day. The activity is measured in minutes/day. I want to create a variable which shows the mean no. of minutes of the given activity (say cycling) during the wear time of the device. How could I achieve this? I tried to simply summarize the variables and divide by seven, but that resulted in a variable with only 300 observations (should be around 4500).
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Thank you in advance for any input.
I have data from an activity measurement device. Participants have worn this for seven days (but several individuals removed it after a couple of days, so there are missing data). I have one variable per day. The activity is measured in minutes/day. I want to create a variable which shows the mean no. of minutes of the given activity (say cycling) during the wear time of the device. How could I achieve this? I tried to simply summarize the variables and divide by seven, but that resulted in a variable with only 300 observations (should be around 4500).
gen lying_time = . replace lying_time = ((LyTmMon_NT4ActLogM + LyTmTues_NT4ActLogM + LyTmWed_NT4ActLogM + LyTmThur_NT4ActLogM + LyTmFri_NT4ActLogM + LylTmSatu_NT4ActLogM + LyTmSun_NT4ActLogM))/7
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input float id double(CyclTmMon_NT4ActLogM CyclTmTues_NT4ActLogM CyclTmWed_NT4ActLogM CyclTmThur_NT4ActLogM CyclTmSatu_NT4ActLogM CyclTmSun_NT4ActLogM) 1 5 . 3.5 .08 8.83 4.92 2 8.58 25 . 5.58 39.17 15.17 3 1.42 . 5.5 11.42 1.83 7.17 4 . 16.25 22 47.92 8.08 9.75 5 . 25.92 4.33 25.58 43.33 . 6 9.58 3.25 5.92 . 7.75 21.08 7 10 18.5 . 5.42 17.17 15.08 8 3 8.92 . 6.67 1.83 7 9 9 . . . 2.58 .75 10 . 13.5 20 17.17 30.92 . 11 . 1.33 .75 2.5 6.08 2 12 .08 .25 . .5 8.17 .5 13 48.92 .58 69.33 .67 .75 .58 14 . 5.92 .42 3.75 .17 . 15 4.42 3.83 . 8.5 .5 .33 16 .25 65.42 . 7.33 .33 60 17 14.83 32.75 2.58 10.08 26.92 3.75 18 1.08 .42 .58 . 23.5 4.92 19 92.17 38.75 41.83 . 52.83 42.58 20 31.5 3.08 . 1.25 .92 26.83 21 .08 1.33 .75 . .42 .17 22 4.42 9.83 2.25 5.42 5.67 25.42 23 1.08 . 2.67 2.75 3.67 12.75 24 . 199.42 16.75 6.58 8.33 1.83 25 28.67 . . 5.25 3.08 4.92 26 6.67 .08 . .08 2.25 .83 27 21.58 11.83 . 33.92 18.42 16.33 28 7.83 8.5 . 24.58 11.17 28.42 29 11.67 7.17 19.5 . 2 5.42 30 101.08 14.42 53.92 . 40.58 10.33 31 10.33 6.92 . 7.83 2 2.08 32 23.08 3.67 . .67 21.42 8.25 33 . 4.75 .5 .67 .67 .42 34 . 17.92 46.67 10.5 2.33 33.92 35 . 71.25 51.58 60.58 3.08 57.83 36 7.08 3.75 . 2.17 1.92 1.92 37 . 2.75 1.58 4.58 16.75 18.75 38 20 17.75 25.67 . 18.42 5.75 39 9.42 10.25 . 3.75 44.67 11.83 40 . .67 13.67 20.67 8.25 . 41 . 40.83 5.42 .58 20.92 . 42 9.67 8.75 . 8.25 21.75 54.42 43 3.58 . 1.67 37.08 9.25 8.58 44 2.42 4.33 . 1.58 9 2.5 45 . . . . .25 .08 46 . 3.5 10.17 12.5 15.5 7.08 47 100.83 . 38.25 75.33 2.75 22.67 48 21.92 3.25 .17 .58 46.08 16.5 49 1.42 1.08 . 5.75 .67 .17 50 15.5 . 3 15.17 4.5 8.58 51 7 2.58 4.75 . .58 .58 52 15.17 . 2.17 2.58 .25 39.42 53 22.83 9 9.92 . 1.92 3.58 54 17.42 23.08 . 16.58 6 37.5 55 4.83 19.17 13.42 . 11.83 4.42 56 1.5 3.58 . 3.58 .67 8.17 57 4.17 21.42 .75 . 9.42 33.92 58 106.83 86.42 . 47.75 9.42 43.25 59 20.33 5.58 10.75 .08 20.58 1.75 60 . 1.58 13.5 5.25 1.08 16.25 61 1.08 . .67 2.58 3.08 2.33 62 1.83 2.92 . .42 1.83 2.5 63 25.75 38.67 13.5 . 10.92 15.75 64 5.25 16.58 . 168.5 6.75 157.83 65 . . 8.58 13.83 9.5 10.42 66 41.08 22.58 . 6.42 32 11.08 67 .33 12.92 4.5 . 16.25 3.75 68 2.42 2.58 . 2.33 7 8.75 69 . 41 30.08 32.75 47.58 13 70 70.25 . 1.67 3.42 3.33 2.83 71 . 4.75 . 2.08 1 . 72 110.67 96.17 10.33 . 64.5 8.42 73 . 4.08 4.42 1.42 5.33 . 74 41.67 30.83 . 7.58 35 8.75 75 9.42 6 .25 . 3.67 .25 76 . 1.83 5 . . . 77 15.42 . 2.33 .75 .67 1.17 78 . 15 50.92 29.92 53.25 64.33 79 4.42 . 1.25 .33 3.5 .58 80 . 1.5 2.92 9.58 .5 . 81 13.92 25.42 6.83 . 21.83 9.08 82 17 7.92 . 39.67 52.42 38.67 83 2.67 .08 .08 . 8.67 .08 84 6 12.42 .08 . 4.5 20.92 85 22.58 13.5 . 4 3.17 5.42 86 45.08 . 12.83 19.67 3.17 1.58 87 23.17 . 6 4.08 2.5 5.83 88 26 3 22.92 . . 20.08 89 .42 5.58 5.08 5 37.08 6.75 90 6.08 2.17 . 3 8.08 1.33 91 . 7.67 10.83 14 6 8.83 92 . 7.5 .08 .08 1.58 11.25 93 16.75 . 5.25 6.58 12.08 19.83 94 4.67 .83 . .17 .67 .75 95 5.83 87.75 82.83 67.33 23.92 29.83 96 3.08 17.33 . 2.33 4.67 18.92 97 14.08 19.33 11.67 5.42 5 5.83 98 . . .42 .33 .5 2 99 . 33.92 29.33 53.67 71.25 . 100 13.92 5.75 4.67 . 81.67 6.08 end
Thank you in advance for any input.