Dear Stata forum
Very recently I read that use of deflators or scaling variables to create ratios can change regression coefficients. I will add to this later but for the time being, I have a sample dataset below.
Note that -risk- is the variable of interest. From the correlation it is clear that risk is negatively and strongly correlated with liquidassets, sales and totalassets. From the correlation it is also evident that liquidassets varies more with risk than totalassets unsurprisingly because totalssets consists of assets other than liquidassets that are less responsive to risk.
Next, I created two variables as follows
Then I ran the following simple regressions!
I expected that liquid_sales will be more responsive to risk than liquid_total as in former both, numerator and denominator (sales) are highly correlated with risk. How come this happens? Eventhough in first regression denominator was less correlated with risk it is showing more significance than second regression in which denominator is highly correlated with risk. What is happening here?
Very recently I read that use of deflators or scaling variables to create ratios can change regression coefficients. I will add to this later but for the time being, I have a sample dataset below.
*Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input int(totalassets liquidassets sales) byte risk 15000 1050 1500 5 14000 1200 1450 6 15000 950 1400 8 12050 1100 1300 12 11000 550 855 18 7515 688 900 20 9650 793 950 18 6500 434 800 16 6981 569 750 16 5956 493 850 13 6699 870 950 11 16000 956 1350 9 11000 1215 1400 7 8976 1910 3250 4 7695 918 1250 2 end
correl totalassets liquidassets sales risk (obs=15) | totala~s liqui~ts sales risk -------------+------------------------------------ totalassets | 1.0000 liquidassets | 0.3712 1.0000 sales | 0.2636 0.9329 1.0000 risk | -0.3961 -0.7016 -0.6417 1.0000
Next, I created two variables as follows
gen liquid_total= liquidassets/ totalassets // scaling variable is totalassets that is relatively less responsive to risk than sales gen liquid_sales= liquidassets/ sales // scaling variable is sales that is relatively more responsive to risk than totalassets
reg liquid_total risk Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 15 -------------+---------------------------------- F(1, 13) = 3.23 Model | .004414562 1 .004414562 Prob > F = 0.0954 Residual | .017753991 13 .001365692 R-squared = 0.1991 -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.1375 Total | .022168553 14 .001583468 Root MSE = .03696 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ liquid_total | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- risk | -.0031183 .0017344 -1.80 0.095 -.0068652 .0006287 _cons | .1274527 .0213314 5.97 0.000 .0813689 .1735364 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . reg liquid_sales risk Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 15 -------------+---------------------------------- F(1, 13) = 0.01 Model | .000134106 1 .000134106 Prob > F = 0.9228 Residual | .178746043 13 .013749696 R-squared = 0.0007 -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = -0.0761 Total | .178880149 14 .012777153 Root MSE = .11726 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ liquid_sales | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- risk | -.0005435 .0055032 -0.10 0.923 -.0124325 .0113455 _cons | .7386332 .0676847 10.91 0.000 .5924094 .884857 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . .