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  • Assign corresponding elements from two lists

    Dear Statlist,

    I have a number of small datasets with the same structure and I would like to rename a variable (with a common name across datasets) in each dataset with a different name.

    Say I have datasets (data1 data3 data6 ...) where I want to rename variable y (same name in all datasets) with (aaa bbb ccc ...) where "aaa" should be assigned to file "data1", "bbb" to "data2", and so on.

    If filename numbers were sequential I would write:

    local newvarlist aaa bbb ccc
    local i=1
    foreach nv of local newvarlist {
        use ".../data`i'.dta", clear
        local ++i
        rename `y' `nv'
        save ".../`nv'.dta", replace
    But as I am dealing with numerical suffixes in filenames that do not follow any logical sequence looping over a number isn't a solution and I wonder if you know any way to call the jth element of a local list within the jth iteration of a foreach loop.

    In more general terms, I would like to assign the ith element from a list of files to the corresponding ith element in a list of variables.

    Thank you,

  • #2
    I don't follow exactly what you are trying to do. But the way to refer to the j'th element of a local macro is `:word `j' of `my_local_macro''.


    local mylist abc def foo bar qwerty
    forvalues j = 1/5 {
        display `"`:word `j' of `mylist''"'


    • #3
      Dear Clyde,

      Notwithstanding, your answer was very helpful to me. With the
      `"`:word `j' of `mylist''"'
      i am able to store the jth element of different lists and follow the same order while looping over lists.

      Thank you,

      local mainvar abc def foo bar qwerty
      local fileno 2 7 12 17 19
      forvalues l = 1/5 {
          local m = `"`:word `l' of `mainvar''"' 
          local n = `"`:word `l' of `fileno''"'
          use ".../data_`n'.dta", clear
          rename y `m'    
          save ".../`m'.dta", replace


      • #4
        See also the survey of loops in parallel in Stata Journal 21(4) 2021.


        • #5
          Here's a link to the column just cited.

          Here is one of several ways to do it. This destroys the local macro mainvar and it that is not wanted, then you need some slightly different code.

          local mainvar abc def foo bar qwerty
          local fileno 2 7 12 17 19
          foreach f of local fileno { 
              gettoken m mainvar : mainvar 
              use ".../data_`f'.dta", clear
              rename y `m'    
              save ".../`m'.dta", replace


          • #6
            Dear Nick,

            Thank you for your advice, valuable as always. -gettoken- and -tokenize- are indeed alternatives to the syntax above.


