I'm trying to compile a bunch of excel files into a directory, and I've successfully established the directory but I can't seem to successfully convert the .csv files into .dta files to append them. my code is as follows:
forvalues i = 1/8 {
import delimited 'i'.csv
save 'i'.dta, replace
I've tinkered a bit but I can't get any results. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong!
Thank you
I'm trying to compile a bunch of excel files into a directory, and I've successfully established the directory but I can't seem to successfully convert the .csv files into .dta files to append them. my code is as follows:
forvalues i = 1/8 {
import delimited 'i'.csv
save 'i'.dta, replace
I've tinkered a bit but I can't get any results. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong!
Thank you