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  • India NSS 64th Round Schedule 10.2 (Block 3 - "household size" item)

    Hi guys! The "household size" item, which is the 1st item in block 3 of Schedule 10.2, has a width of 2 - However, some numbers has "0" in front of it which doesn't make sense - I checked that even if there’s no 0 in front of the number - the number itself is not correct. Please see attached photo of the data in R - please refer to the "HHSize" variable. Anyone knows what is wrong? I used the following codes to read the fixed-width data:

    "Block3 <- read_fwf(
    file="file path",
    fwf_widths(c(34,2,5,2,5,3,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2,2,8, 2,2,2,8,2,36), c("CommonID", "Level", "Filler", "HHSize", "NIC_2004Code", "NCO_2004Code", "HHType", "Religion", "SGroup", "LandPossessed", "MigratedDummy", "Location_LResidence", "PMigration", "RMigration", "FormerMDummy", "MaleN", "FemaleN", "Remittances", "Use1", "Use2", "Use3", "HHExpend", "SpecialCha", "Blank")), col_types = NULL)"

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2022-03-27 at 7.34.30 PM.png
Views:	1
Size:	207.7 KB
ID:	1656509

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Statalist is a forum centered around the use of Stata. Your question seems to have little if anything to do with Stata, since you show data apparently read into R using the R function read_fwf.

    Perhaps you will find help on site that concerns itself with R.

