So I am trying to form 10 deciles like Carhart in his 'on persistence of mutual fund perfomance' study, but as a beginner I have no idea where to start
fundnr quarter year mktrf smb hml rf mf_u_mnret
1 210 2012 2.55 .41 1.28 .01 .7284
1 206 2011 -7.59 -3.48 -1.46 0 -11.31222
1 214 2013 3.77 2.94 -1.18 0 4.459965
1 215 2013 3.12 1.24 .24 0 1.318621
1 206 2011 -2.36 -1.31 -1.23 0 -6
the database contains more than 3000funds, while one fund can have multiple occurence (based on different month/year and so on)
What would be the best approach to form 10 Deciles, while Decile 1 contains the top 30% of funds and Decile 10 the worst 30%. He continues to divide the Topdecile 1 and Bottomdecile 10 into 3 subgroups: 1A, 1B, 1C and 10A, 10B and 10C
Thank you in advance!
So I am trying to form 10 deciles like Carhart in his 'on persistence of mutual fund perfomance' study, but as a beginner I have no idea where to start
fundnr quarter year mktrf smb hml rf mf_u_mnret
1 210 2012 2.55 .41 1.28 .01 .7284
1 206 2011 -7.59 -3.48 -1.46 0 -11.31222
1 214 2013 3.77 2.94 -1.18 0 4.459965
1 215 2013 3.12 1.24 .24 0 1.318621
1 206 2011 -2.36 -1.31 -1.23 0 -6
the database contains more than 3000funds, while one fund can have multiple occurence (based on different month/year and so on)
What would be the best approach to form 10 Deciles, while Decile 1 contains the top 30% of funds and Decile 10 the worst 30%. He continues to divide the Topdecile 1 and Bottomdecile 10 into 3 subgroups: 1A, 1B, 1C and 10A, 10B and 10C
Thank you in advance!