I ran the following model where Ot* are time to open dummies for the stores. Dataset has store regions in which there are zip codes nearby the stores and a control group of zip codes matched to these treated zip codes. The model seems to run ok but it does not print the standard errors for the random effects. Does this mean the model cannot converge?
mixed log_sum_bask_rev ibn.date Ot_5 Ot_4 Ot_3 Ot_2 Ot0 Ot1 , nocons || storeregion: Ot_5 Ot_4 Ot_3 Ot_2 Ot0 Ot1 || cat_name: Ot_5 Ot_4 Ot_3 Ot_2 Ot0 Ot1 || zipcode:, reml stddev base