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  • The Table Size for Correlation Matrix

    Hi Everyone,

    Hopefully, you will be fine, Dear Statalist Community, I have a problem in the output of the Correlation matrix table
    I have used asdoc, esttab and estpost for the output into a Word file, but the result was not convincing because the table
    seems very lengthy horizontally out of the size of the A4 page due to my variables which are 25.

    Now here is my question "How can I divide this table into two pages"

    Kindly help me in this regard.


    Sattar Khan

  • #2
    My advice is to not try to do this. There is no way to fit a 25-variable correlation table onto an A4 page in a typeface large enough to read. But why would you even need that? The table will contain 300 entries, assuming you eliminate the 1's on the diagonal and only show the lower or upper half. No human can process 300 numbers visually and mentally. The table would be unreadable mentally even if it were readable optically. The only purpose such a table can serve is as a source of data for somebody who wants to use those results for their own analysis or for replicating yours. But then a human-readable table is just a burden to import into machine-readable form. So why not use -esttab- to save it as a .csv file, which you then can import into a spreadsheet. Instead of having the table printed in whatever report you are writing, provide a smaller table involving only the correlations of a manageable number of the most important variables there. Then state that the full correlation table is available on line and post the spreadsheet on your website (or make it available by request or something like that.) The only situation I can readily imagine where this would not be accepted is a PhD dissertation, but I see from your profile you are already past that stage in your career.

