Hello everybody!
I am currently writing my master thesis in accounting and part of that is replicating the investigations in a research paper by Francis et al. (2005) (download here, in case you are interested). I am not entirely sure if this turns out to be more of a question about Stata or about statistics, but here we go:
I tried recreating their procedure 1:1 (as far as possible). Right now I use data from the same time period as the paper and the variables that I calculated appear to be pretty close to theirs (judging by the means, medians and other quantiles they list). The last step is plugging them into a regression about which they provide the following info:
So I went ahead and tried:
Which gave me the following results:
Which are pretty different from the results reported in the paper (p. 309):
Considering that the period of observation is the same as the paper's, all variables are calculated strictly following the paper and a quick check showed they were distributed similarily (from what I can tell), I am very surprised by how different some of the coefficients turned out. I also tried other regression methods/commands (plain old reg, xtreg and xtfmb) and they all give me pretty much the same results.
So I'm wondering: Am I doing something wrong on the Stata side of things? Do I use the right commands? Do they mean some completely different procedure? Ist there anything else I could look into?
I'm using Stata 17 on Windows 10.
Every hint will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your attention, have a good one!
I am currently writing my master thesis in accounting and part of that is replicating the investigations in a research paper by Francis et al. (2005) (download here, in case you are interested). I am not entirely sure if this turns out to be more of a question about Stata or about statistics, but here we go:
I tried recreating their procedure 1:1 (as far as possible). Right now I use data from the same time period as the paper and the variables that I calculated appear to be pretty close to theirs (judging by the means, medians and other quantiles they list). The last step is plugging them into a regression about which they provide the following info:
"Our analyses are based on annual regressions […] for the period t = 1970-2001: […] To control for cross-sectional correlations, we assess the significance of the 32 annual regression results using the time-series standard errors of the estimated coefficients (Fama-MacBeth, 1973)." (p. 308)
xtset firm_j period_t, yearly asreg CostDebt Leverage Size ROA IntCov sigmaNIBE AQ_deciles, fmb
Fama-MacBeth (1973) Two-Step procedure Number of obs = 86368 Num. time periods = 32 F( 6, 31) = 314.49 Prob > F = 0.0000 avg. R-squared = 0.0664 Adj. R-squared = 0.0641 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Fama-MacBeth CostDebt | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Leverage | -.0565528 .0018785 -30.10 0.000 -.0603841 -.0527216 Size | -.0013385 .0003525 -3.80 0.001 -.0020574 -.0006195 ROA | -.0386261 .0043771 -8.82 0.000 -.0475532 -.029699 IntCov | .0000469 .000015 3.12 0.004 .0000163 .0000775 sigmaNIBE | .0456804 .007419 6.16 0.000 .0305494 .0608115 AQ_deciles | .0023378 .0001652 14.15 0.000 .0020009 .0026747 _cons | .1135654 .0036623 31.01 0.000 .106096 .1210347 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CostDebt | Coefficient t ----------------------------------- Leverage | -2.5 -9.76 Size | -0.01 -0.55 ROA | -1.65 -5.02 IntCov | -0.00 -5.24 sigmaNIBE | 5.44 12.35 AQ_deciles | 0.14 13.36 ------------------------------------
So I'm wondering: Am I doing something wrong on the Stata side of things? Do I use the right commands? Do they mean some completely different procedure? Ist there anything else I could look into?
I'm using Stata 17 on Windows 10.
Every hint will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your attention, have a good one!