I'm producing the below chart. (Note: data is made-up).
For group C, there are 2 cases where the data values are the same number, and thus, the symbols are on top of each other, making it confusing. Is there a way to separate the symbols from each other?
thank you.
For group C, there are 2 cases where the data values are the same number, and thus, the symbols are on top of each other, making it confusing. Is there a way to separate the symbols from each other?
thank you.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input byte row str7 highestdegree byte(percentage lower upper mb mc md me) 3 "Group A" 32 25 55 . . 14 . 4 "Group B" 41 31 51 . . 16 . 5 "Group C" 88 78 95 16 16 47 47 end
twoway (rcap lower upper row, horizontal msize(medium)) (scatter row percentage, msize(medlarge)) (scatter row mb, msymbol(X) msize(medium)) (scatter row mc, msymbol(plus) msize(medium)) (scatter row md, msymbol(triangle) msize(medium)) (scatter row me, msymbol(diamond) msize(medium)), ylabel(3 "Group A" 4 "Group B" 5 "Group C", labgap(1)) xtitle({bf:Percentage}) ytitle("") aspect(.4)