Hi, I have a question about analyzing school-nested panel data. I am using education panel data to examine the relationship between students' test scores and school SES. The school SES is generated by averaging the family SES of students at this school. The dataset has two waves, including the 2014 wave and the 2015 wave. Given that students' family SES cannot change a lot within one year, I think the fixed-effect model doesn't fit my situation. How should I investigate this dataset properly with Stata?
My current codes in Stata:
"logstts" is the log of student's test scores. "stses" is student's family SES. "stexpect" is student's educational expectations.
I'm also wondering whether using the random-effect model can be helpful? Like:
"ids" is student's unique id in this dataset.
Thank you!
My current codes in Stata:
xtmixed logstts schses stses stexpect i.wave || schids: vce(r)
I'm also wondering whether using the random-effect model can be helpful? Like:
mi xtset ids wave
xtreg logstts schses stses stexpect, re vce(cl schids)
Thank you!