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  • Generate indicator in range date

    Dear all, I have the following dataset
    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input str12 ISIN str25 Suspensionsexpectedtobetri str8 SuspensionLevel int(susp_start susp_end Asofdate)
    "SE0007691613" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "DK0060636678" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "DK0010311471" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "FI4000062385" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "IT0004712375" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00BLT1Y088" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "DE000TUAG000" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "SE0006422390" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00B1WY2338" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "SE0006625471" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB0005622542" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB0005203376" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "FR0010112524" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "SE0007640156" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "DK0010253921" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "NL0010776944" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "SE0007158829" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "FR0000120693" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB0009895292" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "FR0000044448" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "IT0003856405" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "JE00B8KF9B49" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "NL0010937066" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00BYSRJ698" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "IT0003043418" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "FR0000131757" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00BRB37M78" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "NO0010736879" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "PTZON0AM0006" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00B15FWH70" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "IT0004176001" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00B02L3W35" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB0004082847" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "IT0003201198" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00B53P2009" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "FI0009800643" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00B18V8630" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00BZ21RF93" "Suspended" "XPOS"     21255 21439 21250
    "GB0001411924" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00B1Z4ST84" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "FR0013153541" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "SE0000695876" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00BZ4BQC70" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "SE0000148884" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "FR0013154002" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00B2PDGW16" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "DK0010218429" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "FI4000062781" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00BYX91H57" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "FR0000033409" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00BN3ZZ526" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00B3Y2J508" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB0000961622" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "CS0005021351" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "AT0000730007" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "SE0000310336" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "PTSEM0AM0004" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00BF5SDZ96" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00B06QFB75" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB0031215220" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00B1YKG049" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB0006834344" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "DK0060477503" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00BZ6STL67" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00BY9D0Y18" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "FR0000051807" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "IT0003173629" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB0007188757" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00BJTNFH41" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "NL0000888691" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "FI0009002471" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "DK0060336014" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "IT0003007728" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "DK0060257814" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "SE0007100599" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "NO0010748866" "Suspended" "MERK"     21255 21439 21250
    "SE0007185418" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB0009633180" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB0007958233" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "DE000EVNK013" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "NL0000288876" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "IT0003683528" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "ZAE000156550" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "FR0000050353" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "SE0006509949" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "LU0307018795" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00BVGBWW93" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB0006886666" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "NL0010545661" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00B0LCW083" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "IT0003497176" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "NO0003733800" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "NL0011279492" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB0008782301" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00B0744359" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00B6YTLS95" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GRS393503008" "Suspended" "XPOS"     21255 21439 21250
    "FR0004254035" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "ZAE000015228" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    "GB00B10RZP78" "Suspended" "EU LEVEL" 21255 21439 21250
    format %td susp_start
    format %td susp_end
    format %td Asofdate

    Is a monthly information uploaded by a regulator. The date that information is uploaded is identified by -Asofdate-
    I'm trying to expand to dailydataset, from 1st january 2018 to 31 dec 2021, for each ISIN. (so each ISIN need days from 1st January 2018 to 31 dec 2021)

    I explored the option of -tsfill-, but the problem is that tsfill just generate days until last value of -Asofdate- for each ISIN.

    The final purpose is to create, for each ISIN, an indicator that equals to 1 for the days betwen -susp_start- and -susp_end.-

    Do you have any kind suggestions?
    Many thanks

  • #2
    I'm not entirely sure I understand what you want, but it might be this:
    isid ISIN Asofdate, sort
    gen long obs_no = _n
    expand susp_end - susp_start + 1
    by obs_no, sort: replace Asofdate = susp_start + _n - 1
    gen byte wanted_indicator = inrange(Asofdate, susp_start, susp_end)
    tempfile holding
    save `holding'
    keep ISIN
    duplicates drop
    expand td(31dec2021)-td(1jan2018) + 1
    by ISIN, sort: gen Asofdate = td(31dec2017) + _n
    merge 1:1 ISIN Asofdate using `holding', keep(match master) nogenerate
    replace wanted_indicator = 0 if missing(wanted_indicator)
    format Asofdate %td
    drop obs_no
    Added: If there is at least one observation with Asofdate = 1jan2018 and at least one observation with Asofdate = 31dec2021, then you don't need the rigmarole above. You can just use
    xtset ISIN Asofdate
    tsfill, full
    and every ISIN will be paired up with every date from 1jan2018 through 31dec2021.
    Last edited by Clyde Schechter; 19 Mar 2022, 14:33.


    • #3
      Thank you, Clyde Schechter .

      My fault that I was using -tsfill without the -full- option.
      Apologies for not fully looking the various options. Both block of codes that you suggest work perfectly.

      Thank again for your time
      Last edited by Marco Errico; 20 Mar 2022, 04:08.

