Hi, I am trying to make sense of the following results from a regression model where I have vote share as the outcome and perceptions of bribery as the X. The result of a simple bivariate model is that the magnitude of the coefficient is sizable- -0.2 and significant. When I include another variable- perceptions of corruption in general- the bribery coefficient drops to -0.3 and loses its significance, while the perceptions of corruption variable magnitude is -.30 and significant.
Given that when I enter the general corruption variable into the model, the statistical significance of bribery drops out, would it be fair to say that since it takes over the explanatory role, that bribery is just a component of a more generalized corruption form, which is actually a stronger predictor of vote share?
Given that when I enter the general corruption variable into the model, the statistical significance of bribery drops out, would it be fair to say that since it takes over the explanatory role, that bribery is just a component of a more generalized corruption form, which is actually a stronger predictor of vote share?