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  • How to Fit Discrete-Time Multilevel Multiple-spell & Multiple-state Survival Analysis Model Using Stata?

    The current study would like to model the relationship between on-time grade progression (state) and student English proficiency reclassification time period (reclat) using the attached dataset, which is created for the expected discrete-time multilevel multiple-spell & multiple-state survival analysis. More specifically, the variables include,

    id (student id),
    schid (school id),
    male (1-male;0-female),
    esl_pgm (Time-varying variable:1-student attended ESL program in the current year;0-No),
    bil_pgm (Time-varying variable:1-student attended bilingual program in the current year;0-No),
    everspec (1-student ever received special education;0-No),
    hispanic (1-student ethnicity is Hispanic;0-No),
    grade (student current grade-and it would repeat if a student had grade retention)
    reclat (student English proficiency reclassification time period;1-primary school;2-middle school;3-high school;4-never reclassified)
    state (if a student had grade retention;0-No;1-grade retention Note: student can have multiple times grade retentions)

    I am totally new to survival analysis and really don't know how to do this using Stata.
    Can anybody provide Stata code with explanations?

    Thank you!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by smith Jason; 19 Mar 2022, 01:45.

  • #2
    Can anybody help in any aspect? Thank you!

