I am using panel data from the NLSY 1979 cohort. I am looking at the effects of marital status on BMI. I am having trouble using 'xtreg' with 'if'.
Before I used the 'if' command to regress on 2 subsets, I regressed for the whole data set using this code.
and I got these results:
So my next step was to regress for females. I used this code:
which gave me the exact same results as the first regression:
also, before I noticed the issue of them having the same results, I had an issue regressing it for males. I used:
and have received the error 'insufficient observations'
I am not sure where my mistake is to get the same regression results when I Have an 'if' command.
Before I used the 'if' command to regress on 2 subsets, I regressed for the whole data set using this code.
xtset caseid_1979 year xtreg lnBMI married nevermarried nolongermarried highestgradecompleted inschool employmentstatus income healthlimitation numkid pregnancy black hispanic white ageatint_ age2 urban_rural_ male female i.year, fe
Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 1,528 Group variable: caseid_1979 Number of groups = 1,260 R-squared: Obs per group: Within = 0.3333 min = 1 Between = 0.0208 avg = 1.2 Overall = 0.0259 max = 4 F(17,251) = 7.38 corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.1884 Prob > F = 0.0000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lnBMI | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] ----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- married | -.013071 .0312928 -0.42 0.677 -.0747009 .048559 nevermarried | -.0023802 .0335475 -0.07 0.943 -.0684507 .0636903 nolongermarried | 0 (omitted) highestgradecompleted | .0101351 .0050233 2.02 0.045 .000242 .0200282 inschool | -.0018558 .0116941 -0.16 0.874 -.024887 .0211753 employmentstatus | .0023946 .0090112 0.27 0.791 -.0153525 .0201417 income | 1.28e-07 2.96e-07 0.43 0.666 -4.56e-07 7.12e-07 healthlimitation | -.0154831 .0248235 -0.62 0.533 -.064372 .0334057 numkid | .0435459 .0121799 3.58 0.000 .0195582 .0675337 pregnancy | .1017986 .0506415 2.01 0.045 .0020622 .2015349 black | 0 (omitted) hispanic | 0 (omitted) white | 0 (omitted) ageatint_ | -.0581173 .0256915 -2.26 0.025 -.1087156 -.007519 age2 | .0009748 .0003668 2.66 0.008 .0002524 .0016973 urban_rural_ | .0331079 .0196362 1.69 0.093 -.0055649 .0717807 | year | 1985 | .0607866 .0535251 1.14 0.257 -.0446291 .1662022 1986 | .1129854 .0732124 1.54 0.124 -.0312036 .2571744 1988 | .1312726 .1141291 1.15 0.251 -.0935001 .3560453 1990 | .1568073 .1491202 1.05 0.294 -.136879 .4504935 1992 | .0985041 .184461 0.53 0.594 -.2647844 .4617926 | _cons | 3.657491 .41045 8.91 0.000 2.849126 4.465856 ----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- sigma_u | .17233168 sigma_e | .07157705 rho | .85287032 (fraction of variance due to u_i) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F test that all u_i=0: F(1259, 251) = 6.41 Prob > F = 0.0000
xtset caseid_1979 year xtreg lnBMI married nevermarried nolongermarried highestgradecompleted inschool employmentstatus income healthlimitation numkid pregnancy black hispanic white ageatint_ age2 urban_rural_ male female i.year if female==1, fe
Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 1,528 Group variable: caseid_1979 Number of groups = 1,260 R-squared: Obs per group: Within = 0.3333 min = 1 Between = 0.0208 avg = 1.2 Overall = 0.0259 max = 4 F(17,251) = 7.38 corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.1884 Prob > F = 0.0000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lnBMI | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] ----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- married | -.013071 .0312928 -0.42 0.677 -.0747009 .048559 nevermarried | -.0023802 .0335475 -0.07 0.943 -.0684507 .0636903 nolongermarried | 0 (omitted) highestgradecompleted | .0101351 .0050233 2.02 0.045 .000242 .0200282 inschool | -.0018558 .0116941 -0.16 0.874 -.024887 .0211753 employmentstatus | .0023946 .0090112 0.27 0.791 -.0153525 .0201417 income | 1.28e-07 2.96e-07 0.43 0.666 -4.56e-07 7.12e-07 healthlimitation | -.0154831 .0248235 -0.62 0.533 -.064372 .0334057 numkid | .0435459 .0121799 3.58 0.000 .0195582 .0675337 pregnancy | .1017986 .0506415 2.01 0.045 .0020622 .2015349 black | 0 (omitted) hispanic | 0 (omitted) white | 0 (omitted) ageatint_ | -.0581173 .0256915 -2.26 0.025 -.1087156 -.007519 age2 | .0009748 .0003668 2.66 0.008 .0002524 .0016973 urban_rural_ | .0331079 .0196362 1.69 0.093 -.0055649 .0717807 male | 0 (omitted) female | 0 (omitted) | year | 1985 | .0607866 .0535251 1.14 0.257 -.0446291 .1662022 1986 | .1129854 .0732124 1.54 0.124 -.0312036 .2571744 1988 | .1312726 .1141291 1.15 0.251 -.0935001 .3560453 1990 | .1568073 .1491202 1.05 0.294 -.136879 .4504935 1992 | .0985041 .184461 0.53 0.594 -.2647844 .4617926 | _cons | 3.657491 .41045 8.91 0.000 2.849126 4.465856 ----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- sigma_u | .17233168 sigma_e | .07157705 rho | .85287032 (fraction of variance due to u_i) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F test that all u_i=0: F(1259, 251) = 6.41 Prob > F = 0.0000
xtset caseid_1979 year xtreg lnBMI married nevermarried nolongermarried highestgradecompleted inschool employmentstatus income healthlimitation numkid pregnancy black hispanic white ageatint_ age2 urban_rural_ female male i.year if male==1, fe
I am not sure where my mistake is to get the same regression results when I Have an 'if' command.