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  • Estimating a Spatial Autoregressive Model using fixed effects panel regression


    I estimated first using xsmle a SAR model for panel data.
    y = lam * W* y + beta * x+ e

    Then I multiplied W*y to create a spatial lag (of course, I normalized W, and kept zero entries on main diagonal). I then estimated the model:

    y = lam * Wy + beta*x + e

    using a fixed effects panel regression.

    I get a different value for lam while beta is comparable (though different) across the two estimations. Am I doing something wrong?

  • #2
    Wy is an endogenous variable. The ML estimator computed by xsmle accounts for the endogeneity, the fixed-effects estimator does not. The latter therefore yields inconsistent estimates.


    • #3
      Thanks! I was requested by a referee to do this. Any reference for your comments (just to explain the differences between the two estimates in a footnote, though the referee should know about them)?


      • #4
        This should be covered by any textbook/handbook on the subject, e.g.
        • Anselin L, Le Gallo J, Jayet H (2006) Spatial panel econometrics. In Matyas L, Sevestre P. (eds) The econometrics of panel data, fundamentals and recent developments in theory and practice (3rd edition). Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp.901-969


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sebastian Kripfganz View Post
          Wy is an endogenous variable. The ML estimator computed by xsmle accounts for the endogeneity, the fixed-effects estimator does not. The latter therefore yields inconsistent estimates.
          Is there a stata package for the spatial stochastic frontier analysis? I have done some research but couldn't find any info about that
          Last edited by Enver Sait Kurtaran; 22 Mar 2022, 07:48.


          • #6
            I am working on the spatial impact of climate variables on the agricultural variables of three districts of my state in India. I have my panel data available. I cannot create a weight. I cannot create a matrix. I need help. Please help

